
What are you doing to help the enviorment?

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We are doing this huge study about ways that people have been changing their lifestyles to benefit the enviorment. Ive started recycling and talking to local schools about recyling and about the enviorment. So what have you been doing?




  1. Cut meat from your diet, gradually if necessary.  There are great books with recipes - find 10 meals you love, and start cycling them in.  Meat production accounts for 20% of greenhouse gasses but no one is mentioning it as a way to go green

    Two, drive a hybrid - get rid of teh gas guzzlers and let folks know this is critical.  We really are running out of oil, and in terms of global warming maybe that is a good thing

    Small famiily - one child, two at MOST.  Our poor planet is groaning under six and a half BILLION people.  That is double what it was 30 years ago, and way too many. Adopt or find other ways to show nurturing!

    Easy as one-two-three and a lot more impact than just receycling papers and changing the light bulb!

  2. i email my local mp to urge them to pass eco friendly laws in Parliament

  3. i am recycling all that i can

  4. I finally started recycling most recyclable things about a year ago (I'm 40 so I'm just before you all were taught in school that's the right thing to do!)  I also re-use any plastic bags I get either to clean the litter box or use as lunch bags.  I bought those bags at the grocery store which not only prevent plastic bag usage but are also easier to carry groceries in.  I also keep a garden and planters with extra plants which make more oxygen out of CO2, and I switched to florescent bulbs in most of the house.

    that's it!  For now...

  5. I love and enjoy nature.

  6. Im reducing the amount of flatulence i release into the air, also i eat beef cuz beef comes from cows, and cows f**t a lot.... and i recycle everything i can,!

  7. We're recycling, using green power, energy efficient light bulbs, our main tv and all computer monitors are LCDs, drive economical cars, catch the bus, solar powered hot water, grey water system to water the garden, recycling food waste as compost, reduced shower times, try to buy items with environmentally considerate packaging, also paper product we buy are made from recycled paper, avoiding buying products that are bad for the environment (when we can), gone vegetarian and working on more. I'm waiting out for the next generation high performance electric cars to come out in Australia.

  8. I bought energy efficiant light bulbs, I take shorter showers and I shut the water when I brush my teeth? lol

  9. I created this website check it out

  10. My brother doesn't flush the toilet after he goes to the bathroom therefore reducing water usage...although this may not be because he is enviornment-aware.

  11. I joined a "freecycle" website. If there is anything, in fair condition, laying around your house why not give it to someone who can use it? This has saved me tons of money and eliminated things that still had some life left from the trash dump.  I am using eco-friendly cleaning supplies and added a bottle of water to every toilet tank in my house. This makes the old style toilets low flow! Also I am teaching my children by example to put trash where it belongs and to recycle what we can!!

  12. jack ****, let the government handle it, one man can't make a difference by himself.

  13. Humans are the cause of the worlds problems.  The more humans on the planet the more the pollution, green house gases, etc....  The solution is simple.  Reduce the humans from 6.5 Billion to 6.5 Million.  Get spayed or neutered, spay or neuter your children.  You can cut back all you can on trash and CO2 emissions but as soon as you have a baby you have just doubled your impact on the planet.  Just by breathing you are putting CO2 into the atmosphere!  

    What am I doing?  So far I have about 98% convinced my fiance that I should get a vasectomy and her tubes tied and we adopt!

  14. Nothing! I'm going to drive my car as much as I want to, throw out every shred of trash in the regular garbage can so my life's more convenient, eat all the red meat I feel like, and pretty much ignore the advise that every "live green" n**i harasses me with!! This is America and you can't force your religion on others! Environmentalism IS a religion that I don't believe in.

    By the way you should learn how to spell environment if you're gonna write about it so much.

  15. I recycle cans. I would recycle other things but we don't have a facility for that.

  16. I've recently started using cloth diapers and cloth wipes on my daughter!  :)  I love them.  I'm also not buying anymore paper towels or napkins; from now on we're going to be a cloth napkin/reusable towel family.  And we do the laundry on cold, with environmentally friendly detergent.

  17. Spraying aerosol cans into air, can after can after can, driving my 1960's car with a hole in the exhaust all over town, drinking my coffee in Styrofoam cups and throwing out the window when done, pull into a gas station and get another, steal plastic bags from the grocery store and set them on fire,

  18. i'm trying to recycle myself

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