
What are you doing to make a change/difference? pls read.?

by  |  earlier

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We're all guilty of complaining about the conditions of our community, our government policies, third world conditions, etc. But what are we actually doing to help or change what we don't like? Sadly, most people sit at home and continue to ***** and moan about these issues. Or maybe you can be the person that restores my faith in humanity...




  1. absolutelly right!

  2. I complain quite loudly through letters to the editor, petitions, and speeches at meetings.  I vote, too (and it's been hard to stay positive about that after some of the "leaders" that have been elected in my tenure as a voter!)

    I b! tch and moan in public, thank you very much.

    At least it's not at home.

  3. i dont have anything magnificent that i do, but i do recycle aluminum cans, try not to litter.

    i would like to do a beach cleanup at my city on earth day next year!

  4. I say that all the time. People can sit around the dinner table and talk about whats wrong with the world for hours and not do anything, they love to complain about what other people are doing wrong. I say don't bicker, take an hour out of your week and do something proactive. Donate, volunteer, whatever. I use since I don't have much time now to volunteer and you can make small donations. Even donating $1 is better than talking about it endlessly.  

  5. I am not sure to understan your question but answer my question please and thanks;...

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