
What are you doing to make your life easier in this "recession"?

by  |  earlier

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Are you spending less?

Are you living leaner?

Are you wasting less?

What are you doing to make sure that you are not devastated by increasing costs of living in a time of downturn?




  1. tell you the truth i am in my early 50's send 4 children to catholic school my wife and I never made more than 50 thousand could not go out for a movie I feel rich now

  2. I am spending as much money as possible and encouraging everyone I know to do the same because I am not fond of economic downturns.  Gotta turn things around somehow...

  3. I have opened two savings accounts, and have started to do small things to save money like:

    no vacation this year

    returning cans for extra money

    selling old gold

    garage sales

  4. Buying gold and silver coins . Stocking up on food And protection . For this is not your fathers recession what's coming is a road warrior depression .

  5. Actually the glass is half empty becuase I drank the first half and am only coming up for air.

    I'll finish it off in a minute.

    Burp, gone.

    Back to excess........It's the American Way

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