
What are you doing to prepare for Gustav?

by Guest59937  |  earlier

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I'm in Louisiana, but I want to go to that party in Chigaco too!




  1. Im flying up to Chicago with Uncle Tonto to eat potato chips.. I hope your tv is color Robert.. Since my hometown is only 30 miles away thought mabe I would go visit my sister who still lives there..

    On a more serious note.. were ready for Gustav.. got plenty of non perishable foods, water, batteries flashlights and candles and charcole.. we're right in his path but hope he calms down before he gets to us..  and heard he is suppose to be as big or even bigger then Katrina.. We're more prepared this time.. we survived katrina.. we can survive gustav..

    Stay safe everyone!  

  2. I went to the liquor store, before it gets looted.

  3. I'm watching CNN and The Weather Channel, wondering if Gustav will undo all the rebuilding and help that so many Americans gave. NO ONE should be living there, it's just going to happen over and over again.

  4. I'm flying up to Chicago for a party. Rumor is there will be potato chips and dip.

  5. I have a one way ticket from Philadelphia to Chicago.  Rumor has it, the best d**n hurricane party is going on - I'm bringing pretzels and beer.

    When does it start?

    You going?

  6. I am praying for all those in it's path as well as all other worldwide dealing with nature's fury.

  7. the government certainly did nothing to prepare - there are still great holes in the levees from the last hurricane.

    the general uncaring attitude, typically shown by robert h & others here, is very strange to me. this is a horrendous situation for anyone to be in. to sit back & watch something like this happen in your own country, that gives the impression of being rich, modern & responsible to its citizens, is yet another indication of how a number of people in america have changed in the past few years - for the worse.

  8. I am buying a big bag of potato chips and some good dip. I have already found the remote control for my television set. I live in Chicago. What other precautions do you think that I need to take?

  9. Praying for my fellow citizens on the Gulf coast. Offering help after the storm has passed. Again.

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