
What are you doing to reduce global warming?

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ok i know global warming has been a serious issue nowadays, so curious, what are you doing to help our environment? =)

if you have some effective methods on reducing certain electrical cost or gas cost (which of course helps reduce global warming too) please feel free to add on here, maybe we can all learn from each other =)

oh yeah i recycle =) and i drive less, make a list of things i need to do and go out once hehe

thank you =)




  1. I can't. It's been too cold to move and that's almost not an exaggeration!

  2. We have switched to those curly light bulbs, use reuseable grocery bags ( and these can be used for quick pick up items at local stores also), and we are looking to build a passive solar home next year.  I am debating on buying a prius or wait till the super as mileage vehicles come out htat get 100+ miles per gallon. Just doing my part!

  3. I removed the grass from my yard and replaced it with gravel mulch. We plan every trip with our car to avoid any and all unnecessary driving. I will vote for Obama, as he seems to be the only candidate concerned about this. We lowered our thermostat this winter and wore warmer clothing indoors. We are just trying to decrease our footprint on the earth as individuals and a family. We also changed all our lights to low energy bulbs.

  4. i'm... eating lots of beef! which means i'm helping getting rid of cows that would otherwise be pumping methane into the atmophere! p.s. energy saving light bulbs... recycling counts, doesn't it?

  5. we'll be lucky if I'm net-zeroing, though I'd like to do more.  My gasoline and oil-heating probably outweighs my plastic and paper-recycling.  My county discontinued aluminum and steel/tin-can collecting probably because it wasn't economical, which, of course, is unfortunately putting a $s and Cs value on our environment.

  6. Global warming is hype,  that being said we all should be aware of the environment around us and do the right thing not because of fear but because of we all should respect and appreciate our environment.  We have purchased a wash machine and dryer which is more environmental friendly, we have recycled for years.  My family our loggers and do their part by cutting the timber correctly to ensure the forest is healthy and producing oxygen rather then carbon dioxide. The biggest thing we all need to do is inform ourselves through sound science what we need to do to maintain a strong healthy environment.  We need to get the politics out because it becomes more ideological than factual.  And everyone needs to do their part.

  7. Several years ago i reduced my driving by 90%, i moved my children to schools nearer to me, And got them on the school bus.

    I dont use a dish washer

    Recycle 80% of waste cpmpared to 5 years ago

    I have built my own wind generator and installed solar panels, which charge batteries. I am constantly improving and slowly replacing the need to use carbon based energy.

    Have gradually replaced mains powered appliances with devices that run of my battery banks , ie 12 volt lighting (12 volt kettle made a big difference).

    I work from home

    Teachmy children not to get into the habbit of wasting energy. I dont believe we are yet paying the true cost for the energy we use. Price hikes are inevitable as time goes on.

  8. My boyfriend and I carpool. Can you believe how many cars have one person in it? Next time you're on the road check it out.  I bet you see more cars with ONE person in it than two or more...

  9. I don't drive anymore.

    I'm vegetarian.

    Don't use a dishwasher.

    Recycle everything possible.

    Unplug appliances when they are not in use.

    I don't leave the television or lights on when not in the room.

    Put on a sweater instead of turning up the heat.

    Try to burn more wood, than oil.

    Don't use a lot of lights/electricity.

    Short showers.  Cut my hair to save time.

    I don't buy magazines and newspapers.

    Cloth grocery store bags--use them all the time!

    Created a petition to ban plastic bags from grocery stores in Atlantic Canada.

    I don't buy DVDs, rent instead.

    I don't buy CDs, iTunes instead.

  10. I`m not change anything, except throwing beer cans out the window, there worth money now

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