
What are you doing to stop Global Warning?

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What are you doing to stop Global Warning?




  1. Extra ice in my Jack and Coke

  2. spreading the truth

    join the heresy

  3. fans, air condtioning, and any thing else too cool it down:)

  4. I eat less beans......Causes less gas fumes from my A S S

  5. Nothing.  I should but I don't really much know how.  Besides, if all the ice melts, and because our new technology is progressing, I don't think we'll be in much danger.  Besides I'm a christian, and in the beginning of the bible, God made a flood over the land and everyone died, he said no matter what the situation is, he'd never do it again.  So, I don't think everyone is going to drown or anything.  Well this is just MY opinion.

  6. I stopped going to work.

  7. I walk to work every day and back home for lunch instead of buying lunch at a fast food place (think of all the energy wasted on the packaging!). I also installed the cost-efficient lightbulbs throughout my apartment. Small steps, but I feel like I'm making a difference.

    To one of the answerers: Global warming causes unusual weather, which is why CA is cold right now. It doesn't literally mean the world will get hot all the time.

  8. not using aerosols.

  9. I am turning up my AC opening all my windows and doors

  10. eating meet, driving a yukon, using a roll of Tp to wipe my butt, not listening to Al Gore. or any liberal for that matter.

    what are you doing.

  11. using public transit and non-aerosol hairspray.

  12. Not riding on personal jets to get to global warming conferences.

    Not owning a mansion that burns more fossil fuels than an average apartment building.

    Not riding in a limo everywhere I go.

    Not creating a bogus carbon offset scheme so that people can buy in and avoid guilty feelings.

  13. Nothing... and stop doing whatever you're doing to stop it.  

    First of all it's useless.  Whatever we do has virtually no effect on global warming compared to natural causes.

    Second, I don't have a problem with global warming.  I want it to be warmer ok, so you shouldn't be so selfish.  There has been global warming before and it's natural so let nature take its course.

  14. The Earth is flat so it doesn't matter because all that warm air just falls off the end and disappears never to be seen again.

  15. Ok, so I was watching the Oprah Go Green show that was on the other day (btw, if you saw it, Camille of the Squires family is like my best friend), and it really inspired me to do something to stop this.  So, I rarely use more than one napkin a meal anymore, and reuse my water bottles instead of throwing them out.  Yay!

  16. We just started a compost pile, and are planting all our own veggies this year.

  17. not much...

  18. Ive just bought a dozen refridgerators and plugged them all in and set them out in the garden with the doors open.

    Hopefully that will cool of my neighbourhood and thats my contribution .

  19. drive less

  20. Grow up.  The climate has been warming up for ten thousand years and will continue to do so until the sun decides otherwise.

  21. I try to do my best to expose the myths of the Global Warming alarmists but I have come to find that all most of them really want to do is feel good and belong to a group of like minded Kool Aid drinkers.  FACTS don't mean anything to them.

  22. My contribution is possibly more negative in retirement.

    The Good:

    1. Use the car less (more time available), seniors bus pass cheaper and exercise is needed.

    The Bad:

    2. Travel even more by jet to S. America. Very bad carbon output.

    The Answer:

    3. Hybrid jets.

  23. I compost and recycle and I have CFL bulbs in my house.  I only drive when neccesary.  I keep the thermostat at 68 degrees in the winter and the AC at 76 degrees in the summer.

  24. I installed compact fluorescents FINALLY! several months ago....I've already seen a drastic drop in my electric bill!

    I also check the air pressure in my tires every weekend.

    I also NEVER do "jack rabbit" starts from red lights (when they turn green.)

    And I'm perfectly fine with the speed limit, NOT speeding. That really eats up the gas!

    And I NEVER "top off" the gas tank. When the handle automatically clicks "off" -- I don't put in any more. So those fumes aren't forced into the atmosphere.

  25. Nothing.  I think Global Warming is just the normal variation in temperature. Just a few short years ago they were talking about the coming ice age. I don't think there is any reason to panic. Besides the changes that we would have to make to supposedly "fix" it would cost trillions of dollars and have virtually no effect. A lot of the fixes are welfare for 3rd world countries. I'm not a scientist, but I am a thinker.

  26. Global warming can't be stopped, it can only be slowed down. That being said the most important thing that can help this slowing down is to become conscious of others, not just of the people who live in the same house or apartment as you, but others in your city who live beside you or on the other side of the train tracks, or your state or province, your country and the world. the question is how do you raise consciousness in your self and others to understand how your actions affect others and vice versea.

  27. I am already working with the Environment for 30 years

    i talk to school kids about the Environment ,(in Spanish)

    and to Farmers about water harvesting ,soil conservation ,organic ,and chemical free farming,and reforrestation

    for the rest i have made well over a hundred large gardens and a few parks Source(s);_ylt=AkOj...

  28. I'm in California and it's d**n cold right now.  Global warming?  hah!

  29. I have driven a Prius for 5 years - saved 37 tons of CO2 since I bought it.

    I installed solar panels almost 4 years ago that generate 75% of my electricity - saved about 18 tones of CO2.

    I fly as little as possible.

    I turn by thermostat down to 65F most of the day and off every night.

    I recycle.

    I buy organic.

    I compost.

    I try to educate people on the importance of global warming.

  30. stop farting

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