
What are you doing to warn your childrenabout the dangers of drugs?

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i'm telling them all drugs are very dangerous and the only way to find out why is to experiment




  1. Hi there,

    I would tell your child that drugs are very dangerous and in some circumstances can actually kill you. but unfortunatly you can warn and warn about drugs untill you are blue in the face but if they want to try it they are going to do it any way weither you tell then no or not.

  2. your telling them to try drugs what a good pearent

  3. I hope that`s typo and you're telling them not to experiment

  4. WAYNE, I believe if you raised your children to be a LEADER or LEADERS, you should have no problem with them & I think I can speak for my self because I have got & raised 5 Five of them 4 Boys &

    1 one girl / young LADY & they all comes out as a LEADERS. How did I do that? First thing I start from a very very young age to let him & her know I love you very much but not enough that I will not deal with your

    BEHINE, if or when you should do wrong silly thing especially when you were been worned and when they do good things, and that was MOST of the time I rewarded them, not with MONEY or BRIBED then but in our own ways and you know what, they always be the LEADERS even to there School mates until they are now an adults them self so you cannot wait until your child or children are in high School or College then you are going to start telling him or her what you should tells them from they were in kinda garden. Then you will leave your self open for that MAN or WOMAN to tell you to go SIT DOWN because you are much much too late. The other thing is you have to give the same roles to your sons as you gives to your Daughters, not one for son & another for Daughters, because you will have to teach him not to go & mess up other person's sisters & teach the sisters not to go & fool up other people Brothers & give respect to all who respect them & feed with a long spoon those who DISRECPECTED them & you will see the kind of LEADERS that you Birth & raised. Remember there are no body was born bad, NONE, Every body was born good & some where along the way they become what they become & I think most of the time the parents or parent should get the blame. I know a lot will disagreed with me but I do not expected every body or even the most of you will agreed with me, because those who do not agreed with me I bet you they are the ones who are, raising or have raised the bad and unruly ones.  


  5. HOW SICK ARE YOU??? What kind of parent tells their kid to try all drugs and if you die then "oops, that wasn't a good drug stay away from it!" People like you shouldn't even be allowed to have kids! You need to get off the drugs yourself and tell you kids that ALL drugs are dangerous and not to mess with them!

  6. our school (and like many others)

    in 5th grade and stuff, we do this 1 month program called D.A.R.E

    and a d.a.r.e officer (police man who is certifified to teach d.a.r.e) and we learned about the dangers of drugs, how to stay away from peer pressure, and that kind of stuff.

    It was actually kind of fun, because we got to acto out stuff and put on these glasses that make you seem like you are drunk. it was fun, but of course that was like 2 years ago!

    That program really helped me and everything.

    and my parents do tell me about staying away from drugs and stuff, every now and then.

    The asker: teaching them to expieriment?? you are SICK! and shouldnt even be raising children, go check yourself into rehab buddy!

  7. Are you stupid, Wayne? Its like telling kids lighters are dangerous and then set them on fire! Are you one of those guys who puts their finger in an electrical outlet to see if it works? Take a swig of rat poison to see if its effective? If you are, take another drink!

  8. Read this site.

    It is devoted to ALL the un-biased, actual facts about drugs and alcohol. Read it and you will actually know what you are talking about instead of spewing a bunch of misinformation and cherry-picked facts you learned from anti-drug groups.

    I do not oppose or promote the use of recreational drugs, and the same goes for this site. Just real, honest information.

  9. haha wow. well im not going for my parents way of saying drugs are bad  only losers do it.. because well, when i got of age and curious i thought, these kids aren't losers, im gona try it too... i figure the best way is to tell them how much it can destroy their bodies, brains, and relationships, basically in a health aspect...  

  10. If you inform your kids about anything they will be exposed to it.  Educate them about cooking and they'll know how to cook, educate them about addition and they'll know how to add up.

    So...... educate them about drugs and they'll know how to use them.  If you think it's dangerous why tell them about it?  Take suicide?  Would you educate your child about the ways and causes of taking their own life?  It's a bit sick when you think about it?

    I am actually really bloody angry about the education system including drug use.  It's ******* wrong (and yes i'm swearing about it!)  We should teach our kids about the good things in life, if we never put the thought in their head, then there's a good chance they won't even think about it.

  11. You tell them the truth about drugs.

    Don't try and scare them off, just give them the facts.

    If you raise your children to respect themselves, then they will

    understand that doing drugs doesnt only hurt them, it does much worse.

  12. Well my mum taught me by telling me that my dad use to do drugs when I was little and I always remember when I was little how he got angry and shouted for no reason and that he went to jail and he came back when I was 12 and he was a different person because he was clean and very nice!

    Now he is the most lovliest dad every and I never want him to go back to being nasty so I will never do drugs cos I dont want to be nasty!


  13. well first of all most of the people one here are teens, just so's you know

    I think you should tell them how horrible addiction is. Cause they didn't teach me that. You should like read stories to them about people getting addicted and end up ruining their lives.


    so your telling them to try dangerous drugs like coke & meth

    tht's the worse thing you can ever tell your children.

    Cause usually it does start as an experiment but, ends in an addiction.

  14. Here are some facts about drugs:

    Less than 50% of young people - even at the peak age for drug experimentation, which is 16-24 - will have used cannabis AT ALL in the last year... of those that did use in the last year, many will only have used on a few occasions. [DISCLAIMER: THESE ARE U.K. FIGURES]

    Figures are much lower for other drugs (e.g. <5% for previous year use for ecstasy/ amphetamines/ cocaine; <1% for previous year use for heroin/ crack cocaine), as cannabis is by far the most commonly used *illegal* recreational drug.

    Only a small minority of cannabis users will come to significant harm through their habit, and/or progress to other drugs.

    Now, you *could* tell your youngster a lot of scare stories about how anyone who dabbles in any drugs will AUTOMATICALLY come to serious harm, or will AUTOMATICALLY progress to crack cocaine or heroin... and in the short term, this may scare the h**l out of them, possibly even delaying their drug use for a few months. In the long term, you'll erode the trust your youngster has in you, because you'll have told them a pack of lies.

    Another fact about drugs: people take drugs, be it alcohol tobacco cannabis or crystal meth, because they like the effects. We need to take that into account when we talk about drugs... after all, we all know that automobiles can kill, but we don't ONLY stress this aspect of automobile use whenever we talk about automobiles... if we did, this would sound odd. Talking only about the risks and harms of drugs and not about their *perceived* benefits can sound very odd and unbalanced to young people.

    It's best that we educate ourselves before we educate our youngsters... and they will respect us more if we sound balanced, informed and ready to critique our own behaviour (e.g. around the better-known adult drugs of alcohol and tobacco) rather than panicked and authoritarian.

    Mr Curlz

  15. Probably show them a few documentaries about people who's lives and families were ruined from drugs, and possibly some about what they do to your body.

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