
What are you doing today for a better tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I takes the bus; and do a lot of walking. I pick up trash on the ground, and throw it in the trash. I recycle papers...




  1. I have started small and am working everyday to practice the 3 r's.

    My first step was to start using re-usable canvas bags when I do my shopping.I did a small test for myself and saved every plastic shopping I used for 1 month..I was shocked just how many ! several, local stores sell the shopping bags for 99 cents and they pay me 5 cents everytime I re use them.averaging 3 bags per day, I not only save nearly 500 bags from the landfill, I earn more than 50.00 a year.If I do end up with plastic bags, I take them to the thrift store where they are at least able to re-use them.

    The old saying is true mans trash is another mans treasure.I take unused clothing to the thrift store.and Freecycle is awesome .

    One Day a week I park my car..I wish it could be more, but I live in a small rural community in the country so for now I just try to keep the car in good working condition so it uses less gas, and make every trip count, paying my bills ect and shopping on line is a saver too.I am looking at scooters to drive during the summer months.

    I have changed my lights to the compact fluorescents. It took me a while to find somewhere that will recycle them !But after a lot of phone calls, found that my local electric co-op takes them ! the first month, after only changing 8 bulbs my electric bill was 30.00 less

    I also have stopped buying the bottled water and have started using re-usable bottles and a filtering pitcher in the fridge.and I am researching "gray water " systems where the water from the sinks, dish and clothes washers is filtered and  used to flush toilets and to water outside plants.That saves on the water bill !

    There are lots and lots of ways to an incentive , I am putting all money saved in a special account and going to treat myself to a special vacation to Spain and Italy..i have figured it will take 3 years . I find myself almost giddy when i find a new easy way to recycle and save !

  2. I'm making efforts to curb my general consumption and creating less waste by buying products with less packaging.  I'm buying more organic and locally produced foods, which uses less petroleum-derived pesticides and fertilizers, and uses less petroleum/creates less CO2 by not having to travel long distances to reach its destination.  

    Also, I've given up eating beef--the raising of grain-fed cattle on large feedlots creates greenhouse gases, pollutes water, uses valuable food sources which could feed hungry people, to name a few problems.  But I still have a long way to go--I occasionally indulge in pasture-raised beef!

  3. Nothing really.

  4. I am trying to teach children about not wasting, reusing, and basics of going green. I am also teaching kids to love nature and the outdoors.

  5. Recycle (event though I have to take it to a recycling place), less water cycle for dishwater, don't wash things unless they need to be, switch to efficient light bulbs (compact flourescents), ride bike/ride bus, digital camera, use tupperware, donate old things, turn off lights/electonics/ unplug kitchen applicances, nalgene bottles,

    support alternative energy!

  6. i put up some bird houses, it`s fun

  7. I walk to school,rycycle and reuse!

  8. Carpooling, recycling, calling to stop junk mail, using reusable bags and just being more conscientious of the environment and the products I am using !

  9. Teaching the kids to b responsible before they become adults! setting example.

  10. i am the recycling supervisor at a local food factory and all waste is FULLY inspected by me before it leaves the plant to prevent recycleables from going to the dump.

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