
What are you doing with a gun? ?

by  |  earlier

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What are you doing with a gun? ?




  1. i nevr had a gun

  2. Holding it and waiting to shoot anytime....

  3. Polishing it and after that I am going to sharpen all the knives.  oh yeah and my axe needs a shapening too.  Love honey

  4. Protecting myself.  What did you think I'd do with a gun? Rob a bank or kill myself?  No...definitely not.  I am trying to protect my gold bar from being stolen.  You know, the one I found among the treasures?

  5. You mean his "gun"?

  6. I don't have one. Must be hallucinating.

  7. Playing with it and begging the shooter to shoot right in my mouth.

    Yahoo hides my Q:;...

  8. Recreating that scene from the end of the movie Baise Moi...

  9. err... no im not! its a water gun actually..

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