
What are you doing with that patch on your eye? Playing Pirate? Come to swab the deck, matey?

by  |  earlier

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harrr ! harr ! harr ! you d**n funny matey




  1. no lar! cannot winking so i have to cover one side la.. see that hot girl over there, so pretty la..  

  2. Actually it's a nicotine patch to try and help me give up smoking and someone told me to place it over my eye to stop me looking at the cigarettes..  

  3. Stye...OUCH!!

  4. hey, how come you know i wear an eye patch??? you put on cctv in my room eh??? baik ngaku cepat!!! CEPAT!!!

    PEACE =D

  5. to hep me stop looking at all the hot crabs @ Gindys farm

  6. my eye bengkak d mar!just now ryuzaki L the kid fight with me lor!

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