
What are you dreadfully afraid of and why????????

by Guest63609  |  earlier

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Adittionally:I have not abandon this question. I'm dreadfully afraid of chosing wrongly so many to choose from.....




  1. snakes & heights. No reasonable explanation.

  2. i'm fully afraid of giving my heart to somebody and them breaking it because i've never truly felt these strong feelings before 4 sum1 and i'm just afraid that he'll break my heart. but i have faith in God and i know he has everything under control! ^_^

  3. I'm afraid of heights.  But I think it is a reasonable fear.

  4. i am scared of living. the thought is too much to handle sometimes i look at the pictures of heronymous bosch and say hm i like that then i go home to my dank room to my dank life and sit and sometimes sleep and wait for solace

  5. im afraid of death

  6. Tornadoes.  Just the sight of them kinda freaks me.  I don't even want to think about what they sound like.  One could wipe out so much.  I would be devastated if I lost family member or friend and my house was reduced to a concrete slab.

  7. Pennies. Its wierd and I can't really explain it but the Canadian Penny (I live in canada) just freaks me out. I'm completely okay with nickels, dimes, loonies, and toonies but its just the colour and size of pennies that scare me.

  8. I'm scared of ghosts.  Sad, yeah.  I can't really explain it, other than I'm terrified to turn around and just *see* something there, or someone looking at me through a window, etc.

    Eep! I've gone and spooked myself now :P

  9. I'm afraid of spiders and most bugs really. They just make me cringe with disgust if they come near me, a cockroach scared me half to death and I was scared to spray bugspray on it because it was thrashing.

  10. I've been afraid of most things in my life. Thunderstorms, household pests, flying insects, being alone and damage to my house. But my biggest fear is outliving my Mom. We're very close, and she's been my biggest support through the worst times of my life. Boyfriends come and go, and friends are brilliant, but my mom is always there without fail. And the thought of my life without her isn't really worth contemplating. Very soppy, but true.

  11. spiders and big dogs...

    spiders because it totally creeps me out how they have 8 eyes, and 8 legs and they can crawl on me and bite me and im so scared im gonna get bitten and die and omg they scare the h**l out of me!!!! and some of them are hairy and eeewww oh my god i can't stand them. I am even afraid to kill them. im 14 and i still need to call daddy to kill them. im not even kidding you i am so afraid of them.


    pit bulls because, i guess when i was a baby, i was in a car and strapped to my baby car seat and a big dog jumped on me and was trying to play... innocently and all, but i was strappped and i couldn't move, so i was trapped. so i have always been scared of big dogs, but mostly pit bulls, because of that, and they have sooo many attacks! my cousin's friend got attacked by one just last week, he had 200 stitches in his leg, and the dog bit off part of his arm, and the poor kid was only in 5th grade! so i avoid dogs. i especially hate when the jump because i get that trapped, unable to escape feeling.

    what about u???


  12. Flying in airplanes....I hate take-off and landing.  But I would hate not landing more.

  13. I'm afraid of being completely alone in the world. I have a big family and have always been around lots of people, I'm extremely close to my sister. I have a best friend that I've known since we were kids and I'm afraid of losing my support. Its kinda sad, i know, and i need to learn to be more independent .

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