
What are you eating..?

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I'm cooking a risotto tonight.




  1. nothing. its 11am ...having a coffee and a smoke.

    tonight i feel like a big fat steak though

  2. Currently - nothing

    Tonight - we were going to have eggs, bacon, and pancakes; because my husband's boss bought everyone real maple syrup when he was up in NY. However, we've got a previous forgotten engagement tonight. Someone else is feeding us, so:

    Tonight's Revised Meal - SURPRISE! :)

  3. Plain Cheerios, and drinking a cup of orange juice.

  4. A Sainsbury's cheesey bread roll, and half a small goat's cheese. I love cheese!  

  5. Iced latte with a scoop of natural vanilla ice cream.... (It's only 10:30 am and already in the 90's here)

  6. a popsicle =]

    but i already ate a jar of nutella

  7. I so want to watch what I eat but its difficult when your at home and all you seem to be doing is searching and applying to jobs and then taking a break and being on answers!

    makes me so hungry. in fact I have put on loads of weight and I am now officially overweight (in a matter of a weeks can you believe).

    But I think I will have fruit later on and then my usual indian meal. Tonight its stuffed hot peppers/capsicums and dhaal and rice with a couple of rotis. I can't wait to get back into work! at least It will keep me of the snacking I seem to have taken up at home!

  8. i am having pancakes yummy  

  9. nothing, about to get some coffee

  10. just shared my daughters choc stars. gave her choc cos i want to stop her napping this late in afternoon. its 1630

  11. Nothing cause 1 in the morning and im about to sleep.

  12. salt and vinager chips


  13. Nothing at the moment but for dinner I had broccoli and cheese quiche, with rice. And for pudding I had Custard tart.

    And in a little while I will be having a couple of biscuits with Horlicks for Supper.

  14. im eating cadburys chocolate fingers lol and later i will have omlete

  15. Well will probably end up having McDonalds tonight. So i will be having fries, coke, & a quarter pounder

  16. i am eating a Klondike Bar at 9:00 in the morning!!It gets me hyped up!I love those things!!

  17. A home made granola cookie at the moment.  Tonight we are having steaks on the grill.  Not sure what else, it's still early.  11:05 am.  I've never had risotto, is that a shame or what?
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