
What are you eating tonight while you watch the cup race?

by  |  earlier

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or what is a good snack for the race. You can include your choice of beverages too




  1. Grilling out...burgers and dogs.  Mmmm...and ICE COLD beer.

  2. Mountain Dew, Jolly Ranchers maybe, Coke zero, pepsi, MUG root beer. Lots of beverages for me.

  3. I am going to eat some oranges and drink a coke zero!

  4. Well, I'll just be watching it, but if I could get some snacks, it'd be:

    Dr. Pepper




    Turkey sandwich

  5. After last nite, it looks like left-over cold fried chicken and nachos.  Probably drinking Iced tea, with an occasional shot of Yukon.

    Tina...I didn't know anybody else ate P-nut butter/syrup.  Mrs. Butterworths is best!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  6. If I was watching, I'd have Bridge Mix and Chardonnay.   I won't be watching, so I'm having Diet Pepsi and those new chips by Frito Lay's called Cheddar Baked Potatoes.

  7. Tri Tip and Beer,Oh wait Beer and Tri Tip!!!!

  8. I'm getting those free hotdogs at Daytona 2day!!!

    Yea I'm riding in the back of my mom and dads car right now!!

    I will keep u updated  We r tailgating btw!

    So far we've been riding for 2 hours (4 hrs to get there) and nothing else to do but this!!

    We will get alot of hot dogs come back and get ready  for the race!

    the backstrectch is a hard place to get to but don't have to worry bout that in  hour and a half!

  9. Chips & hot sauce & Sprite Zero.

  10. Pizza and Miller Lite!

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  11. No eating, just drinking! :)

  12. Grilling sausage and Boudin, wash it down with cold Miller light.

  13. That's a good question. I will probably have an Italian Ice and some Nachos with cheese with a Vanilla Coke.

  14. M & M's

    I am going to grill hamburgers/hot dogs

    Maybe I might eat a vegetable (highly unlikley)

    I have my bottle of Crown Royal ready for the race

    I just ate a piece of left over pizza

  15. Tostito Scoops n ConQuesa dip

    Burgers on the grill

    Pineapple Upside Down pie  (thought I was gonna say cake didn't ya!)

    Decaffeinated Green Herbal tea.

    Enjoy the race everyone! Go Junior!!!   =o`)

  16. We are making homemade Pizza's, and probably Miller Lite and Bud Select, and Corona Light, and  homemade peach ice cream.. (i'll be on the treadmill all day tomorrow to work it off...

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  17. Probrably crow. LOL! I really want to see Jr win all out to shut the mouths of doubters and haters but I don't know if he or any of the chevys have enough HP to beat the toyotas.

    Just in case though I am having a rib eye and salad and some mixed fruit. Maybe an AMP to wash it all down.

  18. I'm going to eat:

    Chips (with dipping sauce)



  19. You mean Cups actually race against each other?  Lol! Just kidding. Seriously  Nothing beats Tortilla Chips with a nice cheese dip.

  20. It looks like it might be breakfast if I don't get off this computer and go get something to eat sometime soon.

    I don't drink alcohol anymore so I might make some tea or pick up a coke.

    Definitely get some corn chips and salsa. Might even try some hog souce, cheese, and crackers (Crunch Crunch Yum Yum).

    Might swing by the store and pick up a jalapeno burger.

    Might mix some peanut butter (crunchy) and syrup (Log Cabin or Aunt Jemima) and dip some toast or biscuits in it for a sweet snack .

  21. We BBQ burgers, mmmm....burgers :)

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