
What are you feelings on the publication of this image?

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Obviously any human , parent or not is going to be distressed. I've been whinging for 10 minutes now, resisting the urge to drag my 7yo out of school for a snotty cuddle...

BUT, do we have a right to see this image? How would you feel if it was someone in your family?

Are these things becoming more and more graphic and do you think there should be standards as to where we draw the line. Personally I can well imagine enough horrors in my head .

I think the dead deserve dignity.




  1. i know what you're feeling...i feel like rushing home to my 6year old right this second...but as much as it hurts us, Haz, perhaps this hurting is good.

    i understand its not good to get vicarious thrills watching morbid cheapens grief....but this image is not gory...its heart rending & reminds us of those less fortunate than us.

  2. i think its moving, sad but moving.

  3. Maybe she got her reward in the next life.

  4. Nobody wants to see pictures of dead bodies, it's just shock value and the press trying to sensationalise things as usual without a thought for the relatives.

    The only way I could understand this photo being published would be if a charity used it to appeal for aid as it IS a really touching and distressful photo.

  5. it is really sad

    i don't think there is any need to publish pictures like this it is just sensationalism

    i don't think the picture adds to the story

  6. Death, unfortunately, is a part of life.  

  7. Sad to hear about and even more sad to see.  It is like the media broadcasting 9/11 images as they were happening .  Something so horrific that you don't really want to see, yet can't stop looking at from between your fingers.

    Privacy has all but gone and we are becoming so involved with other peoples tragedies that some people feel they are actually involved yet distant enough to have an objective viewpoint.

    I can't bear to even read some of the reports we see they are so tragic and graphic.  It does make me wonder what the families of the victims feel about their very intimate details being on show to the world. Rather like the crowd that gathers around an accident victim or the rubbernecking at motorway accidents.  

    I guess there will always be those who want to turn away, those who want to help and those who just want to stare.

    And you are right, we should allow dignity to those who are unable to secure it for themselves.  This way we give dignity to humanity as a whole.

  8. That is a very moving image. :(

  9. i absolutely did not want to see this, it makes me cry, but at least it is , in a really really strange way, beautiful. there is no close-up of them, there's no blood, the colours are.. i don't know, soothing?

    i think it is an ok picture compared to some others that appear on the news.  

  10. I think it is ok to view this image.  It is a sad reality.  I don't think it depreciates the dignity of the mother and child, quite the opposite.

  11. very touching.

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