
What are you going to do, as an individual, about the losses of all our (US) freedoms?

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What are you going to do, as an individual, about the losses of all our (US) freedoms?




  1. You are kicking.


  2. Petition my government?  Elect new people?

    What are you referring to specifically?

    If it has to do with airports, they are corporations, not government entities.

    Hey Delta Chi, where are you going?  No civilized country on Earth satisfies your requirements.

  3. I will be leaving the US immediately following graduation. I want to live in a "free" country. To me that means nobody ready my mail, listens to my phone calls, monitors what I look at online, who I email, what we say to each other, & does not track my daily purchases unless I have committed a crime.

    We are all being treated as though we are dangerous fellons here. I am not & I will not start a family in a place where it is imparative that you "fear" the government.

    If things ever change I will be back. But I have asked the rest of my family to join me & they think that one vote will change all of this. Sounds like a pipe dream to me.

    I believe that at the point where you have "secret torture camps" & unregulated classified branches of government you have potential for really horrible things to happen.

  4. Let's see, I go to the church I want to.  I read the newspaper of my choice.  I associate with the friends I want to associate with and we discuss things we want to discuss.  No cop has ever come beating down my door.  I own a gun.  I guess I'm going to do nothing about my lose freedoms.

    Hey Ax------which country you moving to?  Make sure you file your income taxes every year to help support the U.S.  As a U.S. citizen you have to pay on all income earned, even outside the U.S.

  5. I haven't lost any freedoms.

    Are you a convicted felon or something?

  6. Run for a political office.  It is the only way.

  7. Which freedom did you lose? Other than the ghastly amount of income the government seizes from private citizens each year.

  8. As far as giving up any freedoms, I haven't bt then again your question/complaint is not clear.

    To Ax, jusst a lil bit paranoid perhaps??  This Country is the closest to freedom you will ever get, you can go to places like Costa Rica to rest and recharge, thats why they give you vacations at work Ax, so you can unwind and relax dude, Don't be a fool and find out the hard way!

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