
What are you going to do about low income folks that don't make more than thirty five thousand a year ?

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What are you going to do about low income folks that don't make more than thirty five thousand a year ?




  1. Teach people to live within their means.  

  2. I don't understand your question?  I don't make less than 35,000 a year, I own my own business.

  3. let them go about their business... why?

  4. I don't make 35,000 and I don't consider myself low income.

  5. It depends on how many people in the household, too.  Many low income people get financial help from their community and govt' welfare such as housing assisting, GA and food stamp. Some of them don't even want to move up or get a full time job cos' they're so content with all the welfare they got.

  6. Depending on where one lives $35k/year isn't bad at all.  That's actually a fairly typical starting salary for folks right out of school (besides engineering and computer science).  I would hardly consider that "low income".

    Personally, I'm not going to do anything with them but wish them luck in their career growth.

  7. What would you suggest I do?

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