
What are you going to do with your inheritance?

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What are you going to do with your inheritance?




  1. *snicker* what enheritance? sorry, my folks are dead broke.


  2. take my wife  for a short break in scotland,my wife is German and im from Nottingham,

    wed love to go,my gran died on jan 8th but still have not received the money from the will

    i even e mailed them yesterday but as yet no reply

  3. pay off the loan sharks

  4. Get cosmetic surgery for my avatar.

  5. have half of it stolen by the government

  6. my parents are spendin it, they sold their house and are bumming their way round europe. F**kin cheek!

  7. pay tax on it :O(

  8. use it ..and abuse it maybe?

  9. Ooooh theres a good question, I'm in two minds, I don't want my parents to go but at mid 70's I have to accept thet it could come at any time.

    Sooo on the basis my brother in law hates me, my wife and my parents I'd like to set fire to all of it cos I know he owes loads to credit cards and mortgages etc and it would make me really happy to see him suffer because of his poor money management over the years.

    But at the same time I'd like to have seen my parents see us all enjoy some of the money they have saved over the years spent TOGETHER, this will never happen so I hope between them (my mum & dad) they spend every penny before they go so I know no undeserved people benifit from their thriftyness.

    Failing that its the usual Ferrari 360 GTO 1967 Shelby Mustang Fastback and a Hoover dustette

  10. Hiring a hitman to bump off my other parent.

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