
What are you going to do with your life in the future?

by  |  earlier

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What are you going to do with your life in the future?




  1. I intend to achieve my long awaited life goals.

    Thanks fro asking, What about you?

  2. Well i have to get my son raised as i am all he has'but i am trying to enjoy life again while the time ticks on...I would like to meet someone special in my life' but the ones i thought were special hated kids so i said bye bye' as i can or will not give my son up for anything' like my mom did to me...I dream of traveling and ride on the high seas'but i know it's that just a dream......

  3. At this stage of my life the more important question is 'what life is going to do with me in the future?'

    We have been taking turns at this game since a long long time now.  I have had my chances and moments that made me feel at the top.  But its the life's turn to spin the top now.  Taking care of my sick elders is what life has charted out for me for the present and foreseeable future...

  4. I wish I knew. I've never known what I really want.

  5. I will answer questions like this one for ever

  6. i will strive to be the best person i can be, for myself and those around me.

    i owe a lot of people for helping me become who i am today, even those people who have shown me nothing but hostility. i will do this for them.

  7. Well! being very frank I seriously don't know what am i going to do with my life in future but one thing is sure that I am definitely never going to leave Yahoo. answers.

  8. enjoy it every minute of it. Life is way too short not to try to make the best of every situation. Be happy with who you are and with what you have. You don't have the best of everything to be happy and love life. If you have a soul mate thank God for that soul mate.If you don't still thank God you maybe better off without one. Do the best you can do with the life you have that is all anyone can ask of you.

  9. To live each day to the fullest and look forward of fulfilling my dream to build a community for the street children so I can give them a chance to educate themselves; and look forward to their future to find greener pastures and be able to do the same for their fellowmen.


  10. Live it

    now your screen name could mean a few different things...catchy though

  11. Love it and keep striving for my goals (some are ever changing) right now i'll say i want to be an artist in the fuuture!  but there are so many other things i want to do and that i am doing1

    I can have it all just not at the same time!  so anything can happen so i'm just going to enjoy and work hard to get what i want!! :)

    that way i won't lose!!

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