
What are you gonna be when you grow up?

by  |  earlier

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I'm hoping to be a yahoo! regular.

FQ: What do you think Cristiano Ronaldo will be when he grows up?




  1. A groupie

    A groupie

  2. he is a awesome soccer player and i hope he will still be 1 Luv. SOCCER!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Me, professor at college

    Ronaldo, a model

  4. .a Y!A Stalker



    Douche-bag. oh wait.. he already is

  5. Enterior Design, probably haha.

    FQ -- Oh will he ever? He'll be the first man on Earth to grow a brain cell at the age of 65.  

  6. i dont wanna growe up!:(

    he will never grow up!

  7. a pirate :P

    lol.. hopefully a sports journalist :))

    FQ - diver :D

  8. I hope a rich man with Imilya by my side :D

    FA: A g*y man like he is now? I do not think it will change, seriously.

  9. United States Air Force. Military is my life :)(:

    A great player.

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