
What are you grateful for?

by  |  earlier

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just curious to see what some answers are




  1. my health my life and to have my baby girl and knowing shes healthy

  2. everything

  3. being alive when there have been so many close calls.

  4. every single day I don't do something to jeopordize my career

  5. Glad to be born and alive... although we dont get much choice at being born

  6. Grateful to have my daughter after her mother passed away.  Grateful for a reason to live.

  7. That I was born in a country of such plenty.  Even people in the lower income brackets in America can still walk into a grocery store and buy clean, nourishing food, go home to a place with running water, send their children to school, and so many other things.  We often take it all for granted, but so much of the rest of the world spends their day just trying to survive until tomorrow.

  8. I haven't become completely fat!

    Lol.  No I'm grateful for my lovely man who has stuck by me through the years.  It's been rough and things and people have come and gone.

  9. My boyfriend.

  10. that I'm not wearing Milk Bone underwear in this dog-eat-dog world

  11. life ,love ,health

  12. lol ppl that put their bf/gf are dumb you should be greatful dat ur still alive.....

  13. Right now.

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