
What are you growing in your secret garden?

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What are you growing in your secret garden?




  1. The only thing you need to grow in a secret garden of course.

  2. mellow mountain mind f ## k

  3. I'd tell you, but it's a secret.

  4. ( We cant tell you) sssssssshhhh  it's a secret.

  5. How did you know I had a secret garden?  It is small, but it is mine

    I have a weeping p***y willow tree, some lantana, some cannas, several other things I don't remember the names of.

  6. I planted a hydrangea, two lilac saplings, some bleeding hearts, crocus and snowdrops. Oh and lily of the valley. next year it will also get some hosta. the lilacs are purple but all of the other plants will bloom white. that's the secret.

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