
What are you labeled as in school ? [ 10 points ]

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I have to do this research project & tell me if your a prep , jock , goth , skater , geek etc .. if you explain you'll get 10 points :]




  1. I'm not really labeled as anything :)

    i love everyone so im a goth , skater , dork , prep , jock , except emo ewwwh gross muchh ? ♥

  2. Umm... I think a lot of people see me as a quiet nerdy emo chick. LOL!XD

  3. prep

  4. preppy, girlygirl, bi*ch, brat. they're all stupid and untrue. i hate labels.

  5. prep & popular & nerdy. (I wasn't nerdy nerdy but I have strait A's and i'm kina a math geek and a book worm.... i'm also a computer geek too! lol! but i'm still all prep and popular besides being nerdy. LOL!

  6. i get labeled as a HUGE prep lol bbecause im smart, cheerleader, goody goody, and i dress preppy but i love it!

  7. the popular smart guy who doesnt get into trouble

  8. i'm not in school anymore, but when i look back at pictures i realize now that i was definitely a nerd  

  9. idk people have told me im a punk/babydoll type of person cuz they say i can be very sweet and innocent at times but the way i dress is like punk and cute

  10. i used to be goth but now people mostly call me emo even though i'm really not that stereotypically emo. i am in advanced classes so i am called a nerd. a have been labeled almost everything from goth to prep (i know, wtf? how can i be both). i am not really any i am just me, but for your project you can count me as emo because thats the most common label i am given

  11. idk, u know how every1 can kno u but ur not popular? thats me, every1 knows me, but i'm not popular.and no, i'm not a loser either lol

  12. I was labeled as a murderous psycho path, but that was before colombine. I'm sure my teachers and fellow students back then crapped their pants the day that kids wearing trench coats became synonymous with school shootings.  

  13. Normal? Because I just am. Also, labeling people is stupid and you're going to fail your research project.

  14. My friends call me nerd, geek, dork, etc. ha ha but I am a nerd but other people know me as well I don't know! I'm not really popular or like sitting with the geeks, I'm in the middle. But just to let you know, I don't like labels!

  15. geek because everyone avoids me

  16. i was labeled as the w***e who went out with sean kutcher.

    i dont know why?  

  17. I would say im a dork. I act silly and always make a fool of myself, even though Im shy. I always trip over my own feet.  

  18. Cool/Jock/smart  kidd is what i am haha !

  19. I'm that funny, cool, weird smart popular person. I be nice to everyone and is funny. Everyone who accepts me is my friend. Sure- I avoid the "geeks". I'm sorta the bad girl too because I do things behind teachers back and stuff. I also make some teachers "that I like" laugh. But I get in trouble.

    So..yeah...I'm pretty popular in my school.

  20. jock

    cause i'm always talking sports and wearing sports stuff

  21. The Messiah. Im not even kidding, some of the kids call me that at school.

  22. skater.. btw you only get 10 pts if you get best answer..

  23. I was nerdy. I wasn't really a bookworm but I did keep to myself a lot and got good grades. Never really found a group that i was able to fit in.  

  24. I am the biggest flirt, freak, a president of my school, a geek and a socialite. I swear, I don't know how I can be all THIS at the same time though=)))

  25. I was labbeled an emo or goth at high school even tho I wasn't that. It's because i wore some black and hung around with a metal head kid and a skater kid. I was grunge I guess if I had to lable myself but hey were all chavs so they couldn't tell the difference

  26. prep. Im just labeled as that.

  27. popular asian.

    no joke...LOL.

  28. teacher

  29. Lots of people call me super even though I am so not the smartest in school. People also joke and call me a band geek cuz I play the flute.

  30. the quiet girl....because if i dont really know you well i wont talk to you much but at home my family wishes id shut up and at school people tell me to speak up lol. also some people in school think im really smart but sometimes im not as smart as they think.  

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