
What are you like when your drunk?

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What are you like when your drunk?




  1. i say hi to everyone. especially people i dont know so i guess i get more confident, and loud lol. especially loud :)

  2. get really stupid,then usually pass out? theres some occassions id rather forget.

  3. I feel happy and on top of the world.

  4. You wanna say that outside?

  5. Everybody's jokes are funnier, and everybody starts looking prettier &

  6. Amorous...

  7. either i never remember and am laughed at by the pictures taken           or  even paraletic in a bathtub    not so fun times lol

  8. you act really dumb

    and you fall everywhere

    and you laugh a lot

  9. nauseatingly happy!

  10. Depends what I've been drinking and what mood I started in, I can swing from being silly and fun (I vaguely recall dancing with a tree one night after a few too many!!) or I can be moody & aggressive or very quiet and sleepy.

  11. STUPID....i do some of the stupidest $hit when i am drunk....but its always funny.....i get kinda loud but not annoyingly loud and i am super talkative...i am a nice drunk unless you p**s me off then watch out....

    oh ya and HORNY...

  12. Me personally?

    Everything is super hilarious, as am I apparently, I am a little clumsy, I get wild and hyper and want to kiss everybody... just super fun/funny.... unless I was really depressed just before getting drunk - then I'm just UBER depressed all night.

    But I'm usually all wacko and such. Sometimes I get into deep philosophical discussions though, and sometimes I start talking to the people in my novel like they're there and real... um, yeah...

  13. A nightmare ha ha!

  14. very talkative!

  15. happy.energetic.confident.  :)

  16. Happy,loud,witty,& confident.

  17. i think im a s*x kitten!

  18. sick and you relax and sometimes fall

  19. I'm fun for a little while... I want to make out with everyone and then about 30 minutes later I fall into a slump and want to go to sleep. It's really very exciting.

  20. Happy

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