
What are you looking forward to in the year 2030?

by  |  earlier

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I'm hoping for teleportation and flying cars.




  1. working having a family...thats about it...

  2. Teleportation would be awesome!

    I just can't get over the fact that I'd be 49 in 2030!

  3. Shapeshifter, try a bit of 'Glass half full'!  Don't wish your life away dude!  Besides, big American vehicles are not sustainable!

    I would hope for a wealth of genetic cures for things, and as long as Aston Martin are still building cars true to their philosophy, I do not care!  Even if I never own one.

    I am looking forward to being a grandfather (or close to it), still being married to the same lovely woman, and being able to travel.

    Not much technology in those choices I admit, but there it is.

  4. death

  5. Well the world could end if we keep driving cars and wasting water and doing so much things

  6. awesome new devices

  7. Brain transplant into a young body or clone.

  8. Being alive

  9. Still being alive

  10. Being Alive  ; )

  11. space travel and contact with other species

  12. It will be warm and people will move slowly.

  13. My death I hope! Being nearly 80 then, I want to die young and beautiful ha ha!

  14. i dont know.. being a mommy- posibly lol you know most astrological predictions say that we wont last that long? people i mean... i think the mayan calendar predicted 2016, and nosrtaus or howhever ou spell his name predicted 2026... and even biblical prophecies dont give us that much time.. wow! am i an optimist lol

  15. The Abolition/replacement of money with personal self improvement.

  16. hopefully I dont live that long...

    in 2030, there will probably be some people trying to impose a global government.  There will probably be people rebeling, whole countries rebeling.  More war,  and what not.  You know, doom/gloom.

    I dont think any new useful technological advances will happen.  If we stop using oil, we DEFINATELY wont have flying cars.  We will have stupid little european styled 100 pound cars that get up to a whoping 45mph.

  17. Hopefully, better lifes for the citizens of the planet, and good health and enough to eat.

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