
What are you making for supper tonight?

by  |  earlier

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Hi all Preggos, Mommies and Daddies! I'm just curious what you're all making for your families for supper. I'm getting bored and taking a break from mine. Normally I don't have lots of energy because I'm 34 weeks and I have pregnancy anemia, so today is a cooking what I'm craving day LOL.

I'm making a spicy beef roast with onions and carrots, whipped potatoes, corn and yorkshire pudding with an apple pie for dessert. All of it's homemade. I think I go all out like this once a month LOL.

Good eatin' to everyone!




  1. I let my 10 year-old pick today and he wants bean burritos.

  2. Goodness! I'd love to come eat at your house. :P

    I think we're just grilling out and having cheeseburgers.

  3. i have potatoes and pork and dressing and coctail

  4. Can I come to your house and eat...that all sounds GREAT....

    Have no idea what I am making - if it's not too hot we will probably grill something

  5. I did a chicken stir-fry for tea tonight - simple and delicious!!!

    I want some of your supper!!! :)

  6. sloppy joes.

  7. I am making steak and garlic mashed potatoes. It's making me hungry just thinking about it.

  8. I'll probably just throw some chicken on the grill or make some stir-fry. I want to come to your house lol.

  9. can i come over for dinner we are going to have tv dinners

  10. my daughter loves salad and since it's so hot I will probably grill some chicken breast cut it into strips and make a nice hearty salad. or

    grilled chicken sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoe with spicy fries.

  11. BBQ hamburgers....yum!

  12. I think dad is making grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans with a salad. Being a vegetarian, I could care less about the chicken, but my kids love it.

  13. I think tonight is pizza night here

  14. im at school so the hubby is cooking, we are having pork steaks and mashed potatos and hopefully carrot (i love carrots) as for the baby he's still eating jar food so whatever i decide to give him for dinner, i'm still deciding between chicken noodle dinner and sweet potatos and turkey...maybe some apples in ham.....

  15. lean sirloin steak on the grill and caprese salad.

  16. I will be making chicken breast marinated in mojo and then grilled with white rice and some vegetable.  Buen Provecho

  17. Dad's Birthday so we are going to a steak restaurant. Or I'd be asking for your address!  35 weeks preggers and congrats to you!

  18. Well... I'm having leftover pizza (blahhhh...) and my son is probably having some veggies and some left over ravioli's... :)

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