
What are you more likely to talk about...?

by  |  earlier

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when you suddenly realize you're becoming too pretentious and complex for the situation or for the majority of the people in a room? Do you change the subject or do you become quiet?




  1. Well, it think it depends on th situation I;m in. Like if I'm with my friends, I change the subject, butif I;m with adults, I just get quiet.

  2. I get up and go to the bar....and talk with the bar tender.

  3. I try and shut up for a while. And sometimes I try again and change the subject. Lol that actually happens to me quite a bit, it's always awkward because it's honestly not my goal to come across as pretentious.

  4. I shut up, unless we are speaking of social justice, that topic is my cause therefore I must carry it forward whenever the opportunity arises, sometimes I should just shut up but I find it difficult

  5. I usually become quiet for a few minutes.  I take the time to re-program and re-evaluate my responses, so I'm at the level of conversation/communication for the specific situation.  No one likes (or continues listening to) the person who's using unnecessarily complex words or technical jargon, when the situation calls for monosyllabic words and layman's terms.

  6. I become quiet.  I always feel this way, unfortunately, at least at school.

  7. I get up and start doing the dishes.  Really !

  8. I become quiet, as that's my general nature anyway.

  9. i just become quiet and hope that somebody else takes the spotlight and focus the conversation on something relevant and understandable to everybody....

  10. if its something i feel very strongly about then ofcourse i will support my point and go in crazy angles and directions to explain it but if its a simple question like do you like ice cream...and i'ave gone totally crazy and taken it to to new complex levels it shouldnt be on and then yes i'll shut up about it and change the subject maybe let someone eles do the talking =)

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