
What are you most satisfied about in your life?

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What are you most satisfied about in your life?




  1. I was 40 before I realized that it was all about making the most money. If I made a million NOW it wouldn't make a difference. So I missed the boat completely.

    Oh I thought you said DIS-satisfied.

    The best thing about my life is I didn't spend it chasing the almighty dollar.

  2. the way i have the most heart in whatever i do and that i won't stop until i physically am no longer able to or i think i will fail other people of a team

  3. all of my friends

  4. bout nothin, i never asked 4 a life.

  5. That I've lived this long and have great friends and family, live in a gorgeous part of the world - and have survived long enough to see both a black man and a woman run for the nation's highest office.  GOBAMA!

  6. I have the best daughter in the world. Nothing else matters.

  7. having my life after surviving 3 tours in Iraq!

  8. That I am well and truly loved.

  9. That I'm healthy and alive!

  10. the people that have recently come to surround me

    i love them all with a fierce passion

  11. being alive,

  12. I am satisfied that I  finally and truly understand the words.."to thine own self be true".  After years (ok, decades) of taking care of everyone else..and always putting myself last. I have learned and am satisfied that after everything is all said and done, (the kids are grown and have thier own lives now) that it's take care of me. And because of this ...I am truly satisfied. (tho, ok, they still borrow money, drop off laundry and ask me to babysit)  LOL  It's all good! and it's a wonderful life. =)   Thanks for asking...just answering this question  makes me smile..big time!

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