
What are you paying for gas today and how is it affecting your everyday life?

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What are you paying for gas today and how is it affecting your everyday life?




  1. i was in town yesterday and it was $3.99 for reg., but that was yesterday, dont know what it is today, i guess ill find out, because i have to go in today. i just go when its necessary, like to the store, and to the drs. no more pleasure riding.

  2. I pay 85 CENTS per gallon, but it's natural gas (methane) and not gasoline! My cars don't use gasoline at all, and it's cleaner for the environment, too. I love 'em! I have noticed food prices have gone up, though, so I can't say I haven't been affected at all by the rise of price in gasoline. It'll get you one way or another until we get completely away from using oil. Natural gas is saving me bucketloads of money, though. Buy a car that runs on it if there's a filling station near you.

  3. I drive an old '93 Sedan Deville (paid off, low insurance), and it only takes premium.  Here in Las Vegas, I can expect to pay $4.50/gallon for premium.  I usually top-off my tank when it gets to 5 gallons left, and it costs me between $55 and $60...perhaps every week to week and a half.  I'm 25 and still live at home just so I can put some money away in savings every month, but it doesn't make me very popular with the ladies (lol!).

  4. I paying about 4.10 in my area(midwest).. It's costing me around 250 a month just for gas and needless to say it's taking it's toll on my wallet.. I would move closer to work but cost of living is alot more there so it would really cost more in the long run.. Hopefully one day gas prices will come back down some, but I doubt that will ever happen i'm sure they will keep getting higher and higher.

  5. my income has stayed the same for the past 2 years ( we are in a raise freeze)

    gas has gone up 30% since January 2008

    my mileage to make the same $ I made in 2006 has doubled

    I am doing  less and less frivolous spending

    I am driving less for pleasure

  6. three years ago my income was double what it is now ,gas was half , insurance  was half ! it is hugely affecting my life

  7. 136¢/litre this morning ( Toronto, On. )  The price fluctuates wildly though and I filled up a couple of days ago at 131¢/litre

    As far as my driving is concerned, it's not too bad considering I'm close to work so a tank of gas can last up to 2 weeks for me. I am noticing groceries getting more expensive though due to the increased shipping costs.

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