
What are you prediciton on X2?? six flags?

by  |  earlier

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what do you believe X2 might be like?? think it might be better than the first x...or just six flags way of gettign more money??..




  1. I think it will be the same, except with hopefully a smoother ride

    It's a different color track with lighter trains, and possibly tunnels.

  2. i think it will be great and way better that the original x

  3. I think it is gonna better. The first X was freakin bomb. They have put so much hype on this i think that it will be much better.

  4. ok, so the original X was a roller coaster were your seats turned. but on X2, instead of the hole intire trains seats moving at once, the all move on thier own like how the persong next to you could be rolling forward and u can be too. now, you could be turing forward but the persong next to you will be turning backwards!! it's kick ***!! i've been on it even tho the rides still closed but my uncle designed it so ya! i got to go on it and if it's 4 hour wait, IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!! it makes tatsu boaring and bad!!

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