
What are you prejudice about? why?

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Hi ...I am trying to get peoples opinions on different prejudices.

Thanks Much!




  1. Illegal immigrants. I know they are seeking a better life but they can be a huge drain of resources and bring more crime into an area. Not all of course but statistically.....

  2. initaily i would say that i'm not racist, however i really do resent why people from a different religion for an example want's to have 'hindi' taught as religious studies instead of Christian teaching........just become there are more asian people in a class than christians.........

  3. i have to admit, i try to be open minded, but i think i'm prejudiced against people who use a book to guide their lives and values toward other people. why? because i don't like to be labeled or defined as something based on something that doesn't even relate to me. i would rather someone know me then dis me because of that than have someone dis me just because their interpretation of a book told them i was 'bad'. i have a sore tongue from biting it when i meet people like that.

    i also tend to be prejudiced against people who define themselves based on a single attribute like race, religion, sexual orientation, financial independence, past-events, etc. there's more to any person than just a single characteristic or behavior.

  4. Hmmm

    i don't really have any prejudices

  5. I'm prejudice against people who have prejudices against illegal immigrants. Those people have no idea of what they have to go through to even get here. All they know is what the government has told them. they are people to and I resent people who think they just come over for a better life. No they come for a better life for themselves, their kids, their grand kids and their great grand kids. Those people don't even know what they have to go through  in their own country. You think our crime is bad? Try living in a country that has virtually no government to protect u.

    Oh yeah and I'm prejudice against crooked cops.

    p.s just in case anyone asks I'm not an illegal immigrant and neither is anyone I know but I am a Latina who will stand up for her people. :D

  6. I try not to be prejudiced about anything, but then I can't help but wonder if most Muslim men are jerks, or if I and my family member are just generalizing...No offence to good muslim men though!

  7. I don't know I guess one of the things i'm prejudice about is Women and I am not comfortable with the way I view black people sometimes

  8. Rednecks. I'm not really prejudice about them, they just make me feel abnormally uncomforable for some reason...  

  9. Religion.

    All of them.

    No exceptions.

    And people who believe in any other supernatural or paranormal c**p, who can't think beyond their own skull.

  10. If I make a stop in a neighborhood that is composed primarly of blacks or hispanics I'll hide my GPS and IPod before exiting the car whereas I don't in my neighborhood which is composed of whites, east Asians and Indian/Pakistanis.

  11. i dont have any prejudice against any body

  12. I'm prejudice about prejudice people lol

    and ignorant people

    and people who force their views on you

  13. I would have to agree with feed them to the lions. Whenever I hear somebody preach about sin I tend to think there stupid. It's hard because not all of them are stupid, I just have a natural prejudice to Religious fanatics. I try to be open minded but it is hard.

  14. I am prejudiced against those who are willfully ignorant. I also have no tolerance for those who never question what they're told.

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