
What are you satisfied paying for gasoline? It's higher than ever and still climbing. What about hydrogen?

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What are you satisfied paying for gasoline? It's higher than ever and still climbing. What about hydrogen?




  1. like nice lady says, there is no "free" hydrogen.

    ie.  unlike oil, which can be burned just as we find it, there just isn't any hydrogen.

    coal, oil, and natural gas are unique.

    stored energy that we can use, and/or waste.

    and we are running out.

    oil is up 20% so far this year.

    and we're not into the summer driving season yet.

    it's gonna get real ugly.

    in San Francisco, gas is already over $4 a gallon.

    i'll bet they'll see $5 pretty quick.

    and at the moment, there is no alternative.

    none at all.

    despite what all the shills around here will tell you.

  2. gas prices are higher than 1977 my job paid 10,000 dollars a year,,,now 45, 1977.a new mid size car was 5000 to,000.. in 1977 .my house was worth 20,000 dollars...i sold it for 130,000 in 1987 and it just sold again for 290,000 dollars...gas has only gone from 175 a gallon to 3.40 a gallon...looks like a bargain..don't yell its just the math.... in the 1960s and early 1970s oil company's "owned " the oil in foreign country's....after 1980 all nations nationalized the fields.....They and the worthless dollar are the cause of current demand from China and India..

  3. here are some links that you can check out,

    there are now several car manufacturer putting out Hydrogen powered cars.

    while Honda's is limited to S. Cal. there is a trend that I think will become the car of the future.

  4. Gas?  About half of what it is now.

    Hydrogen?  From what I've read you still need electricity to produce it for use as an energy source.  I've seen in other countries hydrogen filling stations that run from solar, but then again there isn't many cars to fill.  I'd have to guess that solar collectors at or on the station could supplement the electrical needs for production but normal city power would be heavily used at filling stations to meet the demand of vehicles if they became popular.  I'd have to also guess this would still be better that to keep using gas.

  5. Hydrogen is so dangerous I would not recommend it.

  6. What about hydrogen?  It is not an energy source, unless you've found a way to suck it out of the ground.

    Hydrogen is a conduit, not an energy source.  You can make hydrogen from coal, or water (with large amounts of electricity) but it doesn't just simply exist.  So a hydrogen powered car in effect runs on whatever was used to make the hydrogen in the first place, nuclear, coal, etc.

    The current gas prices have their origins in politics, not a lack of crude oil.

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