
What are you suppose to eat before you play sports or run?

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What are you supposed to eat to help you do better and not cramp up? and what should you eat after to refuel yourself




  1. You should eat 2-3 hours before, with a little snack (complex carbs) 1hr-30 mins before. For exercise that lasts more than 1hr, eat something light, like a fruit (bananas have potassium which prevent cramping). Drink lots of water before too, because when you are thirsty, its already too late, you are already dehydrated.

    After the activity, try to eat something small right after (20 mins after), because that little snack will help you recover for the next day. And after that is up to you. Stay away from fatty/greasy foods, and remember, if you are full, stop eating even though it may be tempting.

  2. Bananas and peanut butter for protein

  3. I eat about 1 1/2 hours before and I eat what I want but everyone is different. Ideally i like to eat something that is filling, steak, chicken, or pasta. These foods are filled with proteins and will keep you full. Also, eat bananas because they are packed with potassium that helps prevent cramping. Make sure to drink lots of fluids while you are active, water or gatorade, because when you sweat it drains your body of fluids to cool off. Afterwards, make sure you stay hydrated, I drink gatorade to replenish carbs and calories. You want to eat foods filled with good carbs like pasta or meat, chicken or fish, to replenish your body.  

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