
What are you suppose to think when your running?

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People always say that running is mind over matter. So what does that exactly mean. When I'm running long distance, I usually think about random stuff. What are you suppose to do, mind wise.




  1. Nothing. I know that sounds odd, but you should be thinking about nothing, just running.

    If you are trying to work on your form, of course you should be thinking about it while trying to improve it, but mostly you shouldn't think. Likewise, if you are learning to run a certain pace, you should think about your splits, but you should know beforehand exactly what splits you want so you only have to think about whether you need to slow down or speed up.

    Of course, sometimes on an easy training run with teammates you'll talk and joke and have fun, which is fine. But the serious workouts and races require focus, and thinking usually makes it hard to focus.

  2. ummm i always think of finishing first and not giving up. also its kinda weird but i dedicate races to people that are close to me and im thinking that im running for them and that im not gonna let them down.  thats what i think of

  3. For long distance on roads random stuff is good, it keeps your mind off the pain and boredom.  On trails it's more like watch the rock, watch the root, duck, watch the tree, ooh look a deer.

  4. sometimes i freestyle in my head lol..about retarded stuff

  5. think about anything... I just let my mind wonder haha

    Or you could just think about putting one foot in front of the other and not waste energy on anything else...

    There's no rhyme or reason to it

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