
What are you supposed to do in a Tornado if your in a highrise building?

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What are you supposed to do in a Tornado if your in a highrise building?




  1. JUMP!!! (j/k) I was always told to get to the lowest level, preferably underground or if there is no time go to the center of the buildling, where there are no windows, bathrooms are good sometimes, crowch into a ball and cover your head, and pray, lol.

  2. What you should do is go in a bathroom that has no windows, they also say to bring a matress with you to protect you from flying objects. But of course, you would shut the door. But normally tornados won't get you if your high up.

  3. Tornadoes are not strong enough to actually cause any problems with respect to floors collapsing or the building collapsing.  It can sometimes twist the building slightly in large tornadoes.

    In sudden cases, just find a spot on your floor away from windows towards the interior of the floor.  The best place would probably be to find a bathroom that centralized on the floor and then duck and cover your head.

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