
What are you supposed to do when you get serenaded in a restaurant???

by  |  earlier

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Ar you supposed to stop eating and look at them?

Carry on eating and ignore them?


Help!!!! I hate it when they do this




  1. I hate it too. I smile at them and then carry on eating. At the end of the day if I'm in a restaurant I want to eat.

  2. Yes, you are to give them some time when they serenade you and when they are done, you are expected to tip them.  Unless your date has requested them to serenade, you usually have the option to wave them away if you don't wish to be serenaded.  And if you really don't like to deal with this, don't go to restaurants where they do this.  Your choice.

  3. All you do is keep on eating Gentle, looking on the person with a pleasant face & appreciate it, the serenading

    No harm in clapping your hands when the person in finished as well, that

    is to show that you have appreciate his hospitality.

    Seams as if you have find an admirer in the Restaurant, I hope you are

    single, & he is a good guy.

    It sound like he is very classy as well so grab it & take advantage of it and NOT

    DISADVANTAGE OF  the situation

  4. ^


    *serenades Floyd rider*

  5. stop and enjoy the moment, clap, thank the person, then continue eating

  6. keep eating, smile and acknowledge their performance.  they're not a piece of furniture and would appreciate a discreet tip perhaps

  7. Crawl under the table and curl up with embarrassment!

  8. Ignore them! How embarrassing!

  9. You stop eating and listen to them. Give them a great big smile and thank them. They make very little so tipping them is also accepted.

  10. I carried on eating while I sang along with him, making eye contact the same time. I'm not easily embarrassed.  When he had finished I thanked him.

  11. Start touching yourself , I'm sure they'll stop after seeing that .

  12. Look, smile, carry on with your meal and politely clap afterward.

  13. Normally, they should keep strolling by your table, and would only stop if asked to or if someone paid them to stop at your table.  If it were a special occasion and someone paid for them, it would be appropriate to snuggle up and listen to them for a minute; if not, then take a look and continue with your meal and conversation and they should stroll away.  Way worse is that steakhouse where they hoe down and line dance in front of your table...nothing more appetizing then a big rear shaking the food on your table...moo.

  14. Get up and leave the restaurant

  15. I've never thought about that, as it's never happened.  We see it on TV shows and movies, but never in real life.  I would hate that, too!!  When I'm eating I don't even like it when the waitress comes back too often asking if everything is OK and interrupts our conversations.  

    I think I would nod and smile at the serenade one time, go on eating as usual, and then nod and smile at them again when they leave, and say thank you.

  16. omg that is horrible never go there again id be so embarrassed but if pissed id sit lovingly looking into their eyes theyd soon p**s off to the next table may backfire tho if your a hottie lol

  17. If your date paid them to come over just smile pretty and thank them when they're done...if they just came over and started playing I would ignore them and hopefully they would go away.  I hate it too.  One time a guy dressed up as a moose came over and was goofing around and I told him to beat it.

  18. stand up and grind with them...

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