
What are you supposed to put in your washing to stop the colours from running together?

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I saw this recently in a movie, but I can't remember which one. Does anyone know what to do, say if you have a brand new red and white top, or some black and white linen? What's the best way to stop the colours from running?




  1. your supposed to hand wash them, or sometimes it works to just run the washer on cold.

  2. Huh? Simply wash clothes of like colors ! Whites together, dark separate load. Never heard of anything to put in a load of clothes like you describe.

    If you have  a brand new say, sweatshirt that's deep purple, never been washed before, wash it by itself or with black slacks a couple of times.

  3. I wash things like that in cold water with a Shout Color Catcher sheet in the machine.  It grabs the colors that come out so they don't get on the whites.

  4. I would wash those tops separately by hand - especially if they are brand new. For the washing machine  you usually separate colours and wash them individually! Good luck.

  5. Before we had a whole supermarket isle of cleaning products, we used to stop colours from running by washing the garments separately for the first few washes using a cold wash with a handful of salt in the water.

  6. What you're asking can't be done. Movies lie a lot: they exist to entertain, not to inform.

    What you can do *sometimes* is wash an individual item by itself in the wash with a cup of vinegar. That *may* prevent it from running in the future, but it's not always successful.

    Separate your laundry; wash the whites in one load, the darks in another, and bright colours separately or by hand. (Don't throw the red and the green in together, either: wash all the red together, then all the green.)

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