
What are you thankful for this year with regards to your adoption journey?

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For example, the growing support for adoption reform; a reunion; a new child?

I am thankful to all of you for sharing your stories and your pain, your loss, and/or your joys. I have met some wonderful people here - we may not always agree on things - but you have made me realize things that I haven't maybe considered before. So I thank you.

What are you thankful for as the year comes to a close?




  1. I am thankful that I have an agency to work with that I trust.  Turns out that a fellow board member of a charity where I volunteer works at the agency, and I am grateful for the education about adoption I have gotten to be able to work on the best possible situation.  I am grateful to have learned and become comfortable with open adoption.  I am grateful for the knowledge that I will be a parent.  And I am so grateful for my lovely husband and his support through our journey.

  2. One thing I'm grateful for is that I found a therapist who was willing to listen to me when I said I have adoption issues.  I'd seen other therapists who simply brushed this aside and insisted it didn't matter, which seems a bizarre thing for a therapist to do.

    This particular therapist has since moved out of state, but we had a few good sessions.

    Also, my a'father's recent death helped me realize what a great dad he was, and how fortunate I was to have had him in my life.

  3. I'm thankful that after 38 years - I finally have found my father.

    (and he's great)

    I'm thankful that two days before Christmas - I finally received the first ever photo of my bio mum and dad. (the BEST Christmas present EVER)

    I'm thankful for all the wonderful adoptees I have found through blogging and the internet. With out them - I thought I was all alone in what I felt. I've never before met such compassionate peeps in all my life until I found them.

    I'm thankful that I've finally been able to speak my truth - after so many years of denial.

  4. such an easy question for me. i found my bio father a couple of months ago. it was the most nerve wracking, scary experience of my life. and i got myself all worked up over nothing. he was happy and receptive. it was love right from the get go.

    i am such a lucky woman when it comes to anything with my adoption. my birthmother is my best friend (love ya Lori A!!!) my biofather is fantastic, and most of his family is willing to give me half a chance.

    my sister has come around and wants to meet both my bio parents and i just feel so much peace about all of this. i wish it could have been sooner, but im not complaining. i have them now and i intend to make the most of it.

  5. I am thankful for the support that I have received from all sides of this adoption plane.  I am thankful for the many wonderful natural mothers who are not afraid to speak out.   I am thankful for the adoptive parents who seek to make changes in the infant adoption industry and foster adoption .  I am thankful for the adoptees who speak as loudly as I do.  Even though my journey has been a painful one, I am thankful for the love and support of those walking beside me.

  6. I am thankful that this forum exists.  I enjoy reading the questions because they often make me think about things that I had not realized or had never thought about.  I like reading others' opinions even if they differ from my own.   I enjoy seeing how my opinions are received by the community.

    This year, the short period of contact that I had with bdad ended.  I am thankful that I was old enough (in my 40's) and wise enough to know who I was, to be informed about my rights, and therefore able to resist being manipulated and controlled.  As a result, his rejection and end of contact was not painful for me.  Actually, it was somewhat of a relief.  

    My bparents were never, ever going to address their own feelings about relinquishing me for adoption.  They simply hid behind lies and repression.  And by being "outed" this year, they must finally come to terms with it.  I presume that it is embarrassing and maybe even painful...but it is the ONLY way they will ever gain any peace with this issue.  I am thankful that they finally have the opportunity to lay down this burden, find closure and peace, if they want it.

    Also this year, I met some of my extended bfamily.  And I am ever so thankful that they welcomed me to the family with open hearts and open arms.

  7. I'm thankful that soon I will be able to see the daughter I had to give up[ 10 years ago. Her name is Alexis, or Lexi as some call her. She is a beautiful girl now and has a nice caring adoptive family with a adoptive mother, adoptive dad and she has an older sister that was also adopted.

    I am also thankful for that I was able to be put on 3 adoption agencies lists, so I can help children like Alexis. I had Alexis at 18 and couldn't care for her, but now I have 3 young children 3 and under and am looking forward for the day I can welcome another child into my life.

    I also just want to say God Bless everyone that asks and answers questions on this section of Y!A. Not just in adoption, but all of Pregnancy and Parenting.

    Happy New Year to all and God Bless!

  8. I am thankful that I found people that know what I am going life turned upside down after I found my mother, I didnt know how to deal with it all.  It was really a big help to hear stories of other adoptees and birthmothers.  Mostly I am thankful for the missing pieces to my life's puzzle being put into place by my b mother

  9. ihave known my birth parent's for 8 has not always been easy getting to know them,especially my father.he seemed excited to find out about me,but then lost interest very quickly!.i was doing all the work to keep us in a relationship and that made me very emotional and hurt.i figured he had seen what he wanted to see and moved on.onc ei accepted that,i stopped calling,sending cards,etc.2 years passed by and he suddenely started mailing pictures of his 2 daughters(who btw are the ONLY people in my life who look like me!) and sending emails,etc. i am glad he realised that i can be in his life without spoiling it for him,lol.i am hoping 2008 will help us finally become freinds without him feeling awkward .buthe has to work hard if he wants me in his life,as i spent all those years trying,then moved would be nice because really even though i get along well with my birth mother,my father is the only black person in the picture (causcasian adoptive family and birth mother!) and to have a relationship with him finally,and learn of my roots and heritage would really help me grow and develop in that area .

  10. I am thankful that I can afford therapy to unravel the years of pain, and that the suicidal longing has gone away

  11. Funny, I keep a journal where I write letters to my daughter and yesterday's reflection was just that, what I am thankful for.

    I am thankful that I have her in my life.  If I had not adopted I would never have met her and I can accept that I won't have biological kids because if I did, I never would have met her.  In fact since adopting her has gone so well, my husband and I decided to do it again.  (Naysayers:  Please refrain from commenting!)

    I am thankful that the adoption process is so much less stressful the second time around!

    I am also thankful for my husband, who is very involved with emily.  He plays with her when he comes home from work, takes her out on weekends so I can get work done, and in short is a Godsend!

  12. Every single day I am still thankful for the strength the birthmothers of my 2 beautiful adopted boys had (2 & 5yrs).  They completed our family.

  13. I am thankful to have found so many more people who talk openly about adoption experiences.  I'm thankful for the continued wonderful reunion with my ndad and family.  I am also thankful for my growing forgiveness toward my adad.  That is something I know is coming from my God, and it is bringing me more peace.

  14. I'm thankful for this forum! I am more thankful that after 2 yrs. of reunion with my son he still calls every week or 10 days. That he has spent a week with his siblings and knows they always knew about him and were to continue looking for him if I passed before finding him. I'm thankful for the relationship I have with his adopted parents. He sent me a digital picture frame and included their picture too. He and I spend two weeks every July together and I plan on going to spend a week or two this spring with him.

    I am most thankful he got health info he needed and has undergone a good physical as his bdad died just a few months before I found my son. Heart disease runs in the paternal side.

    I pray for all others looking for answers.

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