
What are you thoughts about the teacher who had kindergardeners vote a fellow student out of the classroom?

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To Doc,

It won't happen again to this teacher because she's been fired.




  1. She had no right to do that. It's wrong on so many levels. What on earth was she thinking?

  2. There are some seriously messed up people in this world.

  3. I want to know what school gave her a teaching certificate.  She had to have flunked a couple of the courses.  I know they taught her better than that, why did they still give her a degree?

  4. She is one of the many reasons homeschooling is growing by leaps and bounds.

  5. I am sure that no harm was intended other than to put some fear (that is not always a bad thing) into the student and bring him around.  

    Teachers have to handle their own discipline and manage their own classroom.  Based on that, the teacher was probably just trying to get out of that requirement.  I am sure that it will not happen again.

  6. I understand that teachers can make a mistake.  What I didn't understand was that the woman didn't see that she had done anything wrong, even afterwards.

  7. she was definitely on some kind of drugs.

  8. What a terrible example for such young students. Now, they'll always remember that and think "if you don't like someone or something, vote them out of your life". She should never be rehired or even be around kids.

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