
What are you thoughts on badger culling ? Is the Government right to reject badger culling ?

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What are you thoughts on badger culling ? Is the Government right to reject badger culling ?




  1. I know badgers are blamed for spreading TB, but come on what kind of things can humans spread, and we don't get culled.  Do you know the only animal that kills for fun is Man.  What does that tell you?

  2. its not the badgers at fault no cull needed

    its a need for better hygeine

    it takes more time to keep the animals clean and more expense so the easy way out is kill anything that moves it will  be birds next then mice  the lists endless

    WHY do farmers only disinfect vechicles when theres an outbreak of something it should be done all the time nothing should go in and out without these basic precausions

  3. Gas the bugg ers.

  4. human culling seems the more sensible move, what harm are the poor old badgers doing. it would not! stop TB. if we all stuck to sourcing our meat locally we wouldn't have the problem. middle men are the cause of most of the worlds woe's. let people start thinking along the lines of buying locally!! and seasonally. stop spreading the problem all over the place.

  5. Those political toss pots probably don't even know badgers come out at night. They probably just flipped a coin.

  6. well, they spent 9 years and killed 11,000 badgers to study the effectiveness of a cull .. and the data from all those deaths was that TB in cattle  actually increased in the greater surrounding area.. logically , if you research something and the results show its better not to do it then that should be the decision,.. it would be pointless to ignore the data and just cull based on emotion, opinion, or conviction.

  7. I don't understand johndehauras comment. It isn't the farmers fault that badgers give their cattle TB. I am all for the badger culling because otherwise the cows die a horrible slow death, as do the badgers which have TB. there's a farm i know which has some infected cattle from a badger sett nearby. Def came from there. The cows affected are not high milk yielders, so it's not all about lost profits. I wish people would stop being ignorant and aquaint themselves with the facts and see it from both the badgers and the cattles side if u like.

  8. yes   poor animals,   cattle can be inoculated so they dont get bovine TB

  9. We need to cull some of these shoddy farmers who blame badgers when it's their own selves they need to be blaming.

  10. badgers can spread disease to cattle, they are a pest

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