
What are you usually required to be able to do to make jv volleyball?

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im gonna try out for jv volleyball and i wodering what things u have to be able to do. examples # of push up # of miles in a certain time etc. or are there some things i should do to prepare.




  1. you need to have all of the basic volleyball skills...passing, setting, hitting, and blocking

    be able to run...condition your self before tryouts

    be able to do crunches and pushups

    not tire out easily/have endurance

    work well with everyone

    have a positive attitude


    have fun!

    ***hope i helped and good luck!!!

  2. im on the volleyball team at my high school

    there wasn't that many people who tried out though

    just be in shape before you tryout and you should be good

    run about a mile a day or whenever you can

    do about 25ish push-ups and sit-ups

    Have Fun!! Volleyball rules!

    Remember:hot hands, great legs, its a volleyball thing.


  3. there isnt a specific number for anything, like the people said before me, you have to be fit.  you can condition yourself by running, jogging, push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises for you to get strength and endurance.

    when you're trying out, just play your hardest and give it your all. coaches dont really care the number of stuff like that when you are trying out (thats later on), they want to know if you can play or not, like knowing the techniques of passing, setting, hitting, serving, etc.

  4. You need to know how to serve overhand.

    You must be very fit.

    You must have a positive attitude, talk to the coach, players, help and be extremely nice.

    Most of the time at tryouts you first have a stratching session, so be flexible, you run a little, but not very far, less than half a mile. (its not track)

    So you don't have to be able to do a ton of conditioning things, but you must be in shape. So, being able to do a lot of push ups, and sit-ups can be helpful.

  5. well i know at my school, they dont put you on the team based on how many pushups you can do or how many miles you can run. it is based on your abbility as a volleyball player. you need to be able to pass and serve as well as skills you need as certain position. ex- hit, set, block.

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