
What are you willing to do to reduce your carbon output?

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Scientific organization statement (Joint science academies’ statement 2005) from the G8 nations.

"It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities (IPCC 2001). This warming has already led to changes in the Earth's climate."

"The scientific understanding of climate change is now

sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action. It

is vital that all nations identify cost-effective steps that they

can take now, to contribute to substantial and long-term

reduction in net global greenhouse gas emissions."


Academia Brasiliera de Ciências, Brazil

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Royal Society of Canada, Canada

Académie des Sciences, France

Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Leopoldina, Germany

Indian National Science Academy, India

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei,Italy

Science Council of Japan, Japan

Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

National Academy of Sciences, USA

Royal Society, UK




  1. I wanted to make sure that I lit up each and every single f**t that I could - my own, my co-works, my grandmas - but then the occupational health and safety people pointed out that the synthetic fabrics so popular today are likely to do nasty things to our skin... so I got discouraged and decided to stick with my stinky bokashi, my worm farm, my chickens, my four cylinder LPG converted station wagon, riding to work sometimes and ridiculous pointless attempts to change others' behaviour like encouraging them to sign up for Green Power... which we also pay for...

    *laugh* ... *sigh*

    I haven't gone vego yet... I like the taste of dead ruminants far too much for the good of the planet.

  2. liberals fear - you're welcome.  We'll save the world and let you continue in your ignorant hatred.  While you'll soon be paying $6/gallon to drive your truck once/week (since that's all you'll be able to afford) I'll soon be enjoying gas-free driving every day in my pluggable-hybrid.  While troops are still dying in unstable regions of the world so you can enjoy squeezing every last drop of oil from the sand, I'll continue to make sure the wounded are cared for in VA hospitals.  You're welcome.

    As for the question: I swapped all my incandescent bulbs for CFC's. My power bill is significantly reduced.  We only run full wash-machines and dishwasher.  I telecommute most days.  We recycle. Own 1 hybrid and will be buying a pluggable one as soon as they are on the market.

  3. i think it's disgusting how many people push aside global warming. It's hard for one person to change the world while everyone else is shooting it down. I am still young but i like to recycle and cycle to work and school, i also use public transport to reduce the demand on resources, which we don't have enough of. For all you people who have this i don't care attitude it's time to wake up because you are the one's killing us all!


  4. Nothin', absolutely nothin'.

  5. I try to increase my carbon sequestration by raising bigger crops to help feed a growing world population.

  6. I use less electricity. I got a VW that gets 30MPG. I am trying to buy one of those diesel cars they have in Europe that gets 50MPG (Better than the best Hybrid). It seems our pollution control regulations may be to high to allow them to be imported here??  Strange - Pollution controls prevent pollution reduction. Thanks a lot.

    I am also asking my representatives in congress to push Nuclear Power. Cars are only about 10% of the pollution. Power Plants make the majority. Thanks to our "Environmentalists" we killed our Nuclear industry when we needed it the most. We need Nuclear. Solar and Wind is not enough.

  7. If it saves me money, then I'm all for it.  Not that I care about the carbon footprint thing, but saving money is always good.  If it cost me money, then I'm against it.


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