
What are you willing to go to war over?

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I am using the term war in the general sense and not the legal sense.

Please identify your political beliefs. (lib, con, dem, rep)

Would you go to war if the United States was attacked by a major world power?

Would you go to war if the United States were attacked by a third world power?

Would you go to war if non-government elements of a country committed acts of terrorism upon citizens of this country?

Would you go to war if non-government elements of a country committed acts of terrorism upon citizens IN this country?

Would you go to war if the President (it doesn't matter which one) reported credible evidence of a large scale terrorist attack in the near future(attack iminent)?

Would you go to war if the was evidence of a large scale infilitration into this country as the preliminary step for an attack (attack not iminent)?

Would you go to war if a country attacked members or a unit of our armed forces?




  1. Constitutional Conservative.

    Yes to all.

  2. republican






    no, need more information

    no, would need more information

  3. Libertarian-socially liberal, fiscally moderate.

    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Yes

    4. Yes

    5. NO, not again

    6. No

    7. No...and YOUR Country wouldn't, either. .

  4. Political Beliefs- Tree hugging hippie...

    no, wouldn't go to war.

    I would participate in a "war" (no weapons, just civil disobedience) against our government.

  5. Illegal invasions by bordering countries

  6. Democrat, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes

  7. You asked too many questions.  But generally speaking, I have no objection to war against entities threatening or currently using terror as a weapon.

  8. no political label.

    questions 3 and 4...h**l yea!

  9. middle of the road political view:






    Quietly, technical strikes

    Before the day ended yes.

  10. I'm Dennis Kucinich ...










    etc ....

  11. World Peace.

  12. I am a conservative and I am going to war because it is a valid act to repel or prevent an aggression against another country as authorized by the rules in International Law.

  13. In my opinion it is entirely proper to go to war to defend your country.

    Normally I do not approve of preemptive strikes, however I am from Israel.

    Many Muslim countries have threatened to murder Israelis and destroy Israel.

    In the past we have always been able to wait until we were attacked before we defended ourselves, however with the President of Iran threatening to "wipe us off the map" and pursuing the purchase of nuclear weapons technology and Uranium enrichment technology on the black market I think that a preemptive strike is not only appropriate, it appears to me to be absolutely necessary.

    If we wait until Iran has the capability to set off a nuclear weapon in Israel the devastation will be enormous.

    For our own self defense, Israel must make a preemptive strike on Iran and destroy Iran, before Iran gets nuclear weapons.

  14. Politically speaking, I am middle of the road, although I tend to lean a little more to the right.

    However, the only war I could really get behind would be in the face of an invasion on our own soil.

    Just a threat wouldn't quite be enough, and members of our armed forces are attacked as insurgents all the time. There are other ways to handle threats of terrorism than with a declaration of war.

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