
What are young people most influenced by?

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What are young people most influenced by?




  1. their friends.

  2. music, movies, celebs.

  3. Define young people.

    Babies- Blobs of colour on the Tv.

    Children 4-10- Friends around them.

    Preteens 10-13- Friends but with harsher consequences.

    Teens 13-18 - Tv,Magazines, s*x, drugs, drink.

  4. pornography

  5. Media/Music?Life"live"?It all depends on the individual actually...for me.

  6. Marketing departments and their friends.  Much as they all like to think they're unique and rebels.

  7. friends and parents. t.v (with that comes celebrities and music) and teachers

  8. That depends on the environments in which the young person is associated with.  People are a product of their environment.

  9. media?peers?teachers/mentors

  10. Difficult to say, have a look at this web site and then draw your own conclusions,

  11. They're influenced by their peers, actors and actresses/models as well as singers, TV and stuff....

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