
What are younger babysitters with little experience getting paid

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I will have a 14 yo babysit my 7 yo son. She has been a mother's helper this summer for another family infrequently. She has never babysat independently...what would you pay her per hour?? This is during the afternoon for a few hours.




  1. I'd say $6-$7 an hour would be fair.

  2. The usual 8 bucks an hour, if she does a good job then raise the price. I used to do the dishes for the person i babysat for and they paid me more, just don't be too cheap or she will leave you stuck and go and hang with her friends instead of babysitting your son. Hope i helped

  3. i was getting paid 10 dollars an hour

    at that age.

  4. my sis used to pay me $20 a day and now that i have a certifiate and she has a job

    i get $25 an hour

  5. $ 6 an hour is more they would get anywhere else with no experience babysitting.

  6. maybe $6-7, since there is only one child. Once she starts becoming a more regular babysitter, i'd increase it to $8. Talk to her parents to make sure they think what you're paying her is fair. i started babysitting when i was 11 so by the time i was 14, i was getting paid between $8-10/hour. I'm almost 16 now and I still get paid between $8-10/hr or I'll figure something else out with the parents if they need to.

  7. When I was that age I was getting paid $5 an hour.

  8. maybe around 6 or 7 dollars per hour, perhaps start at 6 and let her work her way up if she does a good job. :)

  9. Depending on the amount of time and what she will be doing, I would say anywhere from 3-5 dollars an hour. i have 13 brothers and sisters and I cooked, cleaned, and drove kids around all the time so when i babysat I made about 8 dollars and hour because I was more like a nanny. If she is just watching him and playing with him, I would start at 3.50 and if she is cooking or anything extra I would add more. I would also tip her so it won't be such a small amount of money. $20 for four hours is great for someone with nothing but free time and too young to get minimum wage.

  10. It varies, mostly by state. Just like minimum wage, really. I live near a city, and always got 7-8 dollars an hour.

  11. $5 an hour.  14 is too young to babysit anyway.

  12. Hmmm.....I'd say $4.00 per hour would be a good deal, since it's only a few hours and it's not a hefty price. She'll probably get about $20 every time she comes to babysit, which is good for your babysitter, as well.

    I hope this helps!


  13. I'm fourteen and was paid five or six dollars to babysit two younger kids one time. but i noticed that the first week my pay was lower and since the kids talked about how much they liked me, it slowly climbed time after time.

    i did the math and they started at 3-4 dollars

    then five and up to six because their children really liked me

    but i do have three younger brothers, so taking care of two who were better behaved than my bros was easy. I would say if you wanted to be on the safe side, get an experienced babysitter. have her over one time and see how the house is when you get back, then go from there because it all depends on service right? You don't want to leave you children with someone and them not be dependable.

  14. Pssh. I'm 15, first time babysitter and I got payed only $25 a day, but I worked for like 8 hrs, 3 times a week, and It was three kids. Lol.

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