
What are your Feelings about the next step in Evolution?

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For those of you who know what I speak do you feel about the Age of Aquarius?

I am actually looking forward to it. There was a time when I didn't think or believe that the world would see brighter days. I didn't think that we would ever live in peace as a specie with Nature and eachother. But now I am prepared to see and embrace this change...and I cannot help but to be overjoyed. I feel so fortunate for it to be taken place in my lifetime.




  1. I think humans should evolve to have laser eyes, that would be awesome.

    PEW PEW PEW PEW!!!!!

  2. Uh, there isn't any. We are no longer evolving, unless you mean cultural evolution.

    Age of Aquarius? heh heh -- I remember that song from 40 years ago. Cute idea, but that don't make it true.

    What makes you think there will be peace in your lifetime? Yes, that would be nice, but it's unrealistic.

    BTW, the species has become more peaceful and less violent through it's entire span on Earth, though many people don't know that.

  3. Nice sentiment. However, we should be careful not to confuse the entirely subjective concept of "progress" with evolution.

    Evolution effects species, progress (which may not be definable scientifically) effects individuals, classes, and societies.    

    Also, it is virtually impossible to predict evolutionary changes in complex ecosystems with huge numbers of unconstrained variables.  Humans depend on just such an ecosystem, but, as generalists, are quite capable of living in less complex systems.  The probability that any noticeable evolutionary change will occur in your lifetime with regard to the human species is very low. Perhaps you are thinking of a mass-extinction?  Always possible, but not likely.    

  4. the age of whatever has nothing to do with evolution...

    as far as your positive outlook goes, that's great and all, but please try to remember this moment 20 years from now...that is, if the jerks who wield the power haven't blown the place you're standing on, clean off the map.

    they thought the 60's was an enlightened time...heck, I guess the enlightenment was supposed to be one as well..

  5. I'm an Aquarius.

  6. Let the sun shine in!

  7. It depends on which scale you're speaking of...

    Microbes are evolving at light-speed, both in and outside of our bodies...right now!

    If you're talking about humans, or other complex organisms, well that might take a few million more years...

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