
What are your House Rules for Monopoly?

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ruin the game! ruin the game! come on loosen up and have some fun those rules are written on paper, not stone.




  1. We found the cards quaint, but of  touch,  (you win $10. for a beauty contest......couldn't have been very pretty.....)  so we made our own, with bigger payouts, bigger penalties, and lots of crazy ones like go back or go foward many spaces,  (always calculated to land on prime property) or "take $200. from any player. " and stuff like that.   As we got older, we liked our cards better and a regular game of Monopoly now, is boring, if ya don't don't spice up the cards a little.

  2. Basically keeping all the basic rules of monopoly, and:

    Down payment - ever since my sister played and had a hard time handling the money, we decided on creating this rule called the "5-turn down payment." Perchance a player owns a hotel and another players lands on it but is insufficient of funds, we simply divide the total cost by 5 and pay that fund within that turn. You may also pay a small amount in that turn, but it has to be at least half of the required amount of that turn or more. If you do so, you'll have to pay the remaining amount on the second turn.

           - "GO!" Down payment: another part of the 5-turn down payment is landing on GO! If, for instance you have no more anything to offer, this step automatically occurs. Every time you pass on go, the $200 automatically transfers to the person you are in debt to until the amount is fully paid.

    $100 Placement: $100 are always out on the bank, due to the GO and other aspects in the game, so we created another rule. Simply put, in exchange for 5 $100, we'll give you a $500 dollar, for the sake of the $100 to increase in the bank.

    Money/ Lot promo: This is the fun part. As the game progresses, hotels and houses are built, and only a few lots are left in the bank, and due to many houses and hotels, money is easily taken away, so we made up yet another rule. Simply tucking in a bunch of $500 bills in either free parking or jail is the first step. It then gets followed depending on what the player lands on:

    Free parking: simply taking it. nothing happens, keep going.

    Jail: If you landed on jail, the amount on how many $500 bills there is tucked in there will be the amount of missed turns you get while in jail. You may not roll doubles nor use a "Get out of Jail" card.

    Next is the lot. It's simply like free parking, if you land on that lot, you get it for free.

    That's about basically all the house rules we made up for monopoly

  3. Mostly the regular rules, but we tuck $200 under the Free Parking spot and add any fees collected because of cards with it.

  4. Besides "take no prisoners", our house rules include -

    No money on Free Parking.  No "no-interest" loans from the bank.  And you have to buy houses/hotels at the start of your turn, not the end (this prevents last-minute houses going up in your path...)

    No auctions either - with 2 people playing, auctions make no sense.  This should be used only in games with 3 or more players.

    We also play a variation called "Double-opoly", where we link 2 boards together, overlapping the "Go" squares, to make a sort of figure-8 track.  There's twice as much property, makes a longer game with some interesting twists.

    You just have to pay attention to each board, treat each board like a different "city" with its own rules. It helps to use 2 different sets with different-looking deeds, and make sure that if you get sent to jail, it's the jail on the board you're on, not the "other" jail...

  5. No house rules. I play fair with the original rules.

  6. We get $400 for landing on Go and we keep $500 in the middle for Free Parking.  This makes the game last longer but we love it.  Also, if you owe someone money you can pay them the next time you get money or even just give them property.  Depending on how much you owe.  It's a lot of fun.

  7. Can not buy property on the first go around

    All taxes etc are payed into the middle of the board. Whoever lands on free-parking gets that cash

    Trading properties and loaning cash is definatly allowed between players!

  8. House rules ruin the game.

    The worst one is winning money for landing on free parking. All that does is keep weak players in the game. This rule is the reason people complain about Monopoly taking 3-4 hours... if you play by the written rules, a 4 player game is over in 90 minutes.

    Edit: I don't see the fun in a 6 hour game of Monopoly. As a 90 minute game, I could be talked into a game now and then, but anything longer than that, is just painful. There are other games that go for hours, but are fun all the way through, like Power Grid.

  9. The regular rules on the directions.

  10. my family plays it with the regular rules with the exeption of LANDING on go. if u LAND on go u get 400$ instead of 200$

  11. i play unfair

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