
What are your PCOS stories, successful or not?

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I wanna know all about everyone's PCOS problems. Tell how long you TTC or if you ever conceived or if you are still TTC. What meds you were on, how the different meds worked, diet, exercise. I wanna know about it all. Recently diagnosed with PCOS after 3 yrs TTC. On low carb no sugar diet and lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks which then induced my first period in 7 months. Also about a week ago was put on metformin 500 mg daily and if I have another period by september 30 then I am to begin clomid on days 5-9 of cycle. If no period then I have to start provera and then the clomid. That is my story thus far. I wanna know all about everyone elses PCOS problems. Tell everyone your story!!!




  1. im 24 yrs. old and i had PCOS for 10 yrs. now. From the moment I knew that I had this disorder 10 yrs. ago. I knew i will have difficulty conceiving by my own and i need treatments to conceive..its just my intuition but i knew i needed help when its time for me to make a an asian so rice is our major source of food..i cannot cut back on my rice intake nor white bread and chocolates and i dont exercise...since caming here in the US i already gain 30 lbs. in 2 OB prescribed me to take metformin but i swear i always discontinue taking it bcoz it makes me nauseous..she also prescribed me clomid from 50-150 mg. and it doesn't work...we both agree that we dont want to waste any time though im still young, bcoz ME AND MY HUSBAND REALLY WANTED TO HAVE A KID OF OUR OWN AND BESIDES, infertility treatment except IVF (w/c you will pay only $3000-$5,000) is FREE WHEN YOUR SPOUSE IS IN THE MILITARY and they reimburse your money for gas, food, hotel (if you travelling more than 100 miles from house to the facility and you are referred by a military doctor). In our case were travelling 367 miles from our naval base to the next big naval base w/c have that treatment..We want to grab that FREE treatment while my husband is still in the military before he get out this nov.2008 (now that im preggo he extended another 6 mos. for me to avail the maternity benefits so he's getting out may 2009). So anyway, Last january was our first treatment w/ injectibles, trigger shot plus IUI, i had 2 mature follicle that sized 18mm..they do IUI but ended in a chemical pregnancy (i got the faintest pos. line then followed by neg. and period the next day)..feb and march were off bcoz, i developed cyst and they want it to shrink before we proceed to 2nd cycle. april was my 2nd cycle but was cancelled bcoz, i developed mild OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) i developed 30 possible maturing and my husband we're talking that april should be our last try bcoz we want to stop already but it was cancelled so i told him "hunny bcoz april was cancelled, we'll try again, may is our last try if it doesn't work then we'll stop" so here comes may, i only took metformin for a week and exercise for a week (but i never cut back on my diet i swear!) plus the injectibles and the trigger shot again ..this time i only produce 1 very mature follicle w/ a size of was supposed to be my 2nd IUI but cancelled bcoz it was weekend and they dont do IUI on weekend so my RE told us to do timed intercourse, we do the intercourse 12 hrs, 22, hrs. 32 hrs. after the trigger shot was adminstered with our FIRST TRY OF PRESEED 2 weeks has past and on June 8 (was supposed to be AF due) and never came but i already had few symptoms (i dont want to get excited by these symptoms and i just ignore them bcoz i dont want to be frustrated at the end) this cycle was different bcoz i was really scared to test bcoz i dont want to get a BFN unlike the precious cycles w/c i was very excited so 3 days after my AF was due (w/c falls on my 24th bday June 11) i had the guts to test @ 3:52 am w/ a $ brand as i drop the urine,,, the control line automatic to show and i said "oh negative again, but as seconds pass by the test line started to appear slowly and its started to color pink! as i looked at the clock at exactly 3:53 am there goes my first pos. test! BOOM! IM PREGGO! and ITS MY BDAY, LORD GAVE ME THE BEST BDAY GIFT EVER! that morning iwent to the naval hosp. coz they do walk in i asked for a blood test and in that same day IT WAS CONFIRMED! They said that im due on FEB.14,2009! HEARTS DAY!..i announce my pregnancy infront of my bday guest on June 14 as well with my husband and he was totally shock! his bday falls also on June but his on 21st so IT WAS OUR BEST BDAY PRESENT RECEIVED FROM GOD! ..our sacrifices finally paid off after driving 734 miles round trip twice to 3 times a week for how a couple of months just to have the infertility treatment..i do the driving most of the time alone and im a new driver!(i just got my driver license feb.2007 and im a housewife so im always have time unlike my husband he got a job) he only goes with me if its his day off or he ask for his chief to that's my story....i hope one day you can share your succesful story also...GOODLUCK!

  2. DX with PCOS at 19.  From age 18 on periodically in the beginning took provera to bring on periods.  Now, have to take every time, no spontaneous period, but i may be running out of eggs as I am in my late 30's.  Spontaneous pregnancy at 26 ectopic.  Spontaneous pregnancy at 28, abrupted placenta at 34 weeks.  Another spontaneous pregnancy 6 months after 34 weeker's birth, miscarriage.  Another miscarriage 2.5 years after 34 weeker's birth.  All pregnancies achieved after diet and exercise.  Then infertility.  Tried 9 rounds of clomid 3 at 50mg, 3 at 100mg, 3 at 150mg this was through OB/GYN.  

    Next went to RE. Did some testing then injectables, was overstimulated cycle canceled, switched RE's.

    Finally to an RE that knows what is going on.  Did exploratory laproscopy, HSG test, sperm analysis.  Put on metformin 1500mg/day, baby ASA -sorry asprin, (blood thinner thick blood tends to clot off pregnancy causing no oxygen to get to the pregnancy causing miscarriage), back to clomid 50mg, robitussin to thin CM (usually PCOS women have hostile CM due to high androgen levels), IUI-intrauterine insemination, progesterone supplements, ovidrel trigger.  Round 1 success.  Fragmin shots daily (blood thinner) Baby did have a stroke inutero but has no effects from that, is mild autistic spectrum though, high IQ.  I don't know if the autism was caused by the stroke, my first son also has it, and he also had a brain injury with hypoxic oxygen levels causing brain damage.  Third son spontaneous preggers after 2nd was born, they are only 13 months apart.

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