
What are your craziest friends like? how do you deal with their habits?

by Guest34142  |  earlier

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i have 2 right now.. who r majorly crazy..

they smoke /drink.. it kinda gets nasty after a while..

every min they get free their always looking for somewhere to crash..

someone to smoke/drink with?

and doesn't necessarily look out for their safety or your safety.

do you mind them when they act all crazy? or do you silently wish that you could part with them without feeling guilty??




  1. Yeah, I have a friend who constantly dates bad men-one hit her and now she's dating a former gang member-plus, she has random s*x with really trashy people. I'm just slowly trying to distance myself from her.

  2. My ex-friend cuts herself and lets guys take advantage of her and she is also balemic...

    Now u know why she is my ex-friend.

    but i have a best friend that is anorexic =[

    It kills me

    I also have a really close guy friend that cuts himself

    i have another guy friend that drinks

    I know some kids that do drugs and drink

    i know girls that are having s*x and doing things at 14 that they shouldnt be doing with guys.

    My boyfriends friends are druggies and perverts.

    But i dont do anything...

    Im a good girl =]....hahahaha...jk =]

  3. Each time we get to know a friend.. we learn from each other..

    I had to learn and grow and let go..

    Because staying with them wasn't going anywhere. They had to continue to get education from someone else.. Not me..

    But it was hard..and finding them later talking about it .. made it all worth it.


  4. i guess then me and my friends are the crazy kids lmfao

    were not that bad.. like we dont smoke, but almost all of us do weed.. some more then others though. and we drink kinda alot.

    but like we do alot of other things too, like without being high or smashed. sometimes we just hang out but most of the time were somehow getting into trouble lmao

    theres like 6 of us alltogether that are REALLY close and we look out for eachother like maaad.

    but my craziest friends im no where near that close with. like the ones that do coke/crack/meth/E and have s*x with random guys and stuff like that. no i dont want to ditch them, there my friends i dont care what their on. but i dont really wanna be involved in that kinda stuff. so if there all doped up on anything other then weed i dont really wanna be around them.


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