
What are your dreams?

by  |  earlier

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What goes through your mind daily? What fantasies and dreams take over you?




  1. if i should go back to get a master's degree.

    if i should have more kids.

    if i should change jobs.

    what should i cook for dinner.

  2. For the last six months I have had terrible nightmares and they will not stop. They always seem to start with Vincent Price asking me if I want a ham sandwich. After politely telling him no, he releases an angry beaver on me that continuously bites my leg. I run away and soon find myself surrounded by Muppets. The Muppets attack me and throw me into a large tree. In the tree various things have happened to me. Some so terrible that I won't even elaborate on, and others that are pleasing. Once I leave the tree I usually wake up in a pool of sweat.  

  3. Mine - when I have them ,are all very acceptable
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