
What are your driving pet Peeves?

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Mine is not signaling when you want to turn and when people that are behind me drive to close.




  1. Red light and Stop sign runners, Tailgaters,Passing in no passing zones,No turn signals,Idiots on there cell phones,Idiots that cut in front of you just to make a turn right down the road.People that drive way below the posted limit.And of course speeders.

  2. No particular order:

    1) People drive up in the left-turn only lane then cut into the through-traffic lane.

    2) Unsignaled lane changes and turns.

    3) People who roll (or faster) through a right-on-red after stopping sign.

    4) People who honk when you don't roll through a right-on-red but stop first. (If you do that to me I won't turn until the light is green; the law does not say I have to turn right on red.)

    5) In NJ the law is "Lights on when wipers on." Do it.

    6) Not yielding to pedestrians.

    Man, where's my badge?

  3. crashing

  4. when drivers cut very close in front of me.less than one car lenth.

  5. Tailgating and people using those stupid cell phones.

  6. I only have one. when a line of cars are stopped at a red light, I cannot understand why so many drivers will not pull up to the car in front of them, I have seen many times 25 to 50 feet between cars.. this also cuts down on the number of cars that gets through once the light turns green.

  7. People who signal after they have already changed lanes.

    Come on! "Signal your intentions; not your accomplishments."

  8. I hate driving on the highway and the man/woman infront of me is going extremely slow. I switch to another lane and I want to give them the middle finger so bad, but I never do it.

  9. Mine is not taking in all the details

  10. tailgaters and when im at a stoplight someone passes in front of me to turn, when its illegal.

  11. Two:

    1st are those that pass me on the shoulder when traffic is stopped, then cut back into the lane ahead of me.

    2nd is people who don't pull all the way into an intersection while waiting to turn left when the light turns, so that the people behind them can't get over the limit line on the yellow and turn when the light changes.

  12. when im at a red light, it turns green and the guy in front of me is still standing there!!! i live in NY, so im very impatient when it comes to driving.

  13. People who drive slowly in the fast lane. People who do not maintain the speed limit AT LEAST (as long as conditions warrant). People who seem to think that they are the only person on the road.

  14. I hate people that dont use turn signals and tailgaters.

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